
Showing posts from August, 2010

flash media server - Adobe AMS to AMS initStream method call -

do of fellow amf enthusiasts know of information on calls made 1 ams server ams server? instance, looking information arguments sent in initstream call; sample data got when ams server connected server: method: initstream number of params: 2 0: 1.7765824089018436e-307 1: null a standard call flash client contain 1 argument, consists of stream identifier. above may identifier, not integer type expect. have google'd , checked other sources, i'm coming nothing helpful. to sum up, need know arguments , types sent when 1 ams calls ams. edit after more work on issue, initstream method has been added server , parameter #1 assumed stream id. method followed createstream(0) method: createstream num params: 1 0: 0 and after method added, seems initial setup ok, when following requesting vod stream on red5 ams, calls play unexpected parameters , no stream name method: play num params: 23 0: 4.801834657218423e-299 1: null 2: null 3: null 4: null 5: null 6: null 7: null

ios - Dynamic Cell Height in MvvmCross -

i want override getheightforrow method, scroll works when scrolling specific cell (row). i found example here working perfectly. because of part of code: public override float getheightforrow(uitableview tableview, nsindexpath indexpath) { if (this.offscreencell == null) { this.offscreencell = new itemcell(); } var cell = this.offscreencell; cell.updatefonts(); var item = this.model.items[indexpath.row]; cell.title = item.title; cell.body = item.body; cell.setneedsupdateconstraints(); cell.updateconstraintsifneeded(); cell.bounds = new rectanglef(0, 0, this.tableview.bounds.width, this.tableview.bounds.height); cell.setneedslayout(); cell.layoutifneeded(); var height = cell.contentview.systemlayoutsizefittingsize(uiview.uilayoutfittingcompressedsize).height; height += 1; return height; } tried translate mvvmcross project,

Regex for URL in python -

url1='' #url2='' def verify(url): try:'((^https|http|ftp):)?(/?/?www)\.[a-za-z0-9]+\.[a-za-z]{2,3}\/[-a-za-z0-9?=&%#./]*',url) print except: print "not valid" verify(url1) shouldnt url invalid there dot before www? my output shows: let's break down regex: ( # begin group (^https|http|ftp): # protocol (and https needs @ start) )? # end optional group ( # start group /?/? # optional slashes www # www ) # end group ... from above, can see both protocol , slashes optional, regex requires www somewhere, regardless of what's @ start.

c++ - Memory access violation when using Boost::Serialization -

i'm trying serializations using boost's serialization library, fail same unhelpful runtime error. say, example, have simple struct: struct test { unsigned int value; template<class archive> void serialize(archive & ar, unsigned int const version) { ar & boost_serialization_nvp(value); } }; this compiles fine. i'm doing round trip of saving object of test type archive , loading again. boost_auto_test_case(test_serialization) { test a{42}; stringstream ss; text_oarchive oa(ss); oa << boost_serialization_nvp(a); } // ... lots of other tests pass fine this compiles fine. however, following error when running suite. entering test case "test_serialization" unknown location(0): fatal error in "test_serialization": memory access violation @ address: 0x00000038: no mapping @ fault address test aborted all other tests except involving serialization run expected. what cause proble

javascript - What comes first .always() or .then() callbacks in jQuery? -

this question has answer here: jquery: difference between deferred.always() , deferred.then()? 4 answers if have function has both .then , .always callbacks, 1 executed first? taken deferred.resolve() documentation: when deferred resolved, donecallbacks added deferred.then() or deferred.done() called. callbacks executed in order added. example below: var $logger = $("#logentry"); function addlog(content){ $logger.append($("<li/>").html(content)); } var newpromise = $.deferred(); $.when(newpromise).done(function() { addlog("1st $when().done!"); }); newpromise.then(function() { addlog("1st then!"); }).always(function() { addlog("1st always!"); }).done(function() { addlog("1st done!"); }).done(function() { addlog("2nd done!&quo

Java can't get KeyListener to work in my GUI -

i making sort of remote control program lego ev3 robot. part irrelevant. made gui , want control robot when press keys. understand have use called keylistener , saw tutorial supposed work. the gui class code right here. kinda long has keypressed event @ end. i not sure doing wrong program doesn't detect if key pressed @ all. any. i appreciate on how make work. edit: keymanager=keyboardfocusmanager.getcurrentkeyboardfocusmanager(); keymanager.addkeyeventdispatcher(new keyeventdispatcher() { // up:38 down:40 left:37 right:39 public boolean dispatchkeyevent(keyevent e) { if(e.getid()==keyevent.key_pressed && e.getkeycode()==38){ system.out.println("up"); return true; } if(e.getid()==keyevent.key_released&& e.getkeycode()==38){ system.out.println("released"); return true; } return false; } });

html - getting information from a website in processing? -

i making processing program, part of acess information @ website. website html file, information stored, need acess , parse. know how open html file, problem is supposed acess list, generated after login on website. how do that? this website, right after loading html file: after login, website begin spit out data every 2 seconds. wanna acess data in ordered list, , wanna acess every 2 seconds in processing program. how do that? this website, after login, after moment. when use web browser submit login, you're interacting server. web browser submits post request containing login information (like username , password), , server responds next webpage load. the details of going depend on website you're interacting with. websites might use ajax submit data , trigger javascript run. the point is, you're going have understand how underlying web server , webpage works. you're going have use r

java - How do I get the realm path in order to make a migration? -

how realmpath if i'm trying migration? have this: try { realm realm = realm.getinstance(this); } catch (realmmigrationneededexception e) { realm.migraterealmatpath(???, new migration()); } also, have following versions: version 1 no realm version 2 realm version 3 realm migrations how make sure users upgrade version 1 version 3 , directly install version 3 updated latest schema version number (since don't need run migration)? those going v2 v3 version bump result of migration running, not sure how set realm schema version. christian realm here. current migration api still rough around edges, way doing migration increments version number. below best way around currently. // pseudo code public static class realmhelper { private static sharedpreferences prefs; public static realm getinstance(context context) { string realmpath = new file(context.getfilesdir(), "default.realm").getabsolutepath(); if (prefs.getbo

c# - EditorFor Field for List object that maps to a different model? -

i have fieldset in view users can create post @ same time have list of tags can selected @ creation time , associated in many many relationship in ef post , creates relationship between post , tag in posttagmap upon saving post. want add in field in view user can "create" tag (type in name) aswell selecting tags cant figure out last issue in jquery make work. view: @model @using(html.beginform()) { // controls post .... <div id="tags"> (int = 0; < tag.count; i++) { var id = string.format("tag{0}", tag[i].id); var ischecked = tag[i].isassigned ? "checked" : null; <div class="tag"> <input id="@id" type="checkbox" name="selectedtags" value="@tag[i].id" @ischecked /> <label for="@id">@tag[i].name</label> </div> } </div> <button id="addtag"

angularjs - ng-resource with custom object + web api -

ng-resource - not able pass employee object web api angularjs code app.factory("entry", function ($resource) { return $resource("/api/emp/", { }, { "update": { method: "put" }, "reviews": { 'method': 'get', 'params': { "id": 1, 'name': "ram" }, isarray: true }, "updateemp": { 'method': 'get', 'params': { ng: '@id', id: '@id', employee: '@emp', status: '@status' }, isarray: true } } ); }); postdata = [{ "id": 1, "empname": "the hitchhiker's guide galaxy", "address": "douglas adams" }]; var ent = entry.updateemp({ ng: 1, id: 3, employee: json.stringify(postdata),

jax ws - JAX-WS throws SOAPFaultException Unauthorized -

i've set new jax-ws client , when run it, i'm getting error 'java.util.concurrent.executionexception: unauthorized' i've provided correct username , password login service have tested soapui. kind of network/firewall issue in our company cause this? java.util.concurrent.executionexception: unauthorized @ source) @ dacalcserviceclient.dacalcserviceclient$1.handleresponse( @ source) @$seiasyncinvoker$1.oncompletion(unknown source) @$1.oncompletion(unknown source) @ source) @ source)

tcp - Listening Application (winsock2) behavior towards Port scanning (Syn Scan) -

should server application listens on port, able detect , logs down connection attempt done syn scanning? test scenario i had written windows program called "simpleserver.exe". program simulation of basic server application. listens on port, , wait incoming messages. listening socket defined tcp stream socket. that's program doing. i had been deploying exact same program on 2 different machines, both running on windows 7 professional 64bit. machine act host. , stationed in same network area. then, using program "nmap", used machine on same network, act client. using "-ss" parameter on "nmap", syn scan, ip , port of listening simpleserver on both machine (one attempt @ time). (note 2 hosts had "wireshark" started, , monitoring on tcp packets client's ip , listening port.) in "wireshark" entry, on both machine, saw expected tcp packet syn scan: client ----(syn)----> host client <--(syn/ack)-- host

php - Place holder for form dropdown select type? -

how add "please select option" default shown option in drop down select box in form. i'm modifying magento module adding in new input fiends on frontend saves table in magento's database. form works correctly saving information database shows 1st item array used list options. if user doent change option, array [0] added database. want add place holder wont added database, prompt user select option. this information called: $fields[] = array( 'name' => 'vehicle_make', 'label' => mage::helper('sublogin')->__('make'), 'required' => true, 'type' => 'select', 'style' => 'width:100px', 'cssclass' => '', 'options' => array ("acura", "alfa romeo","audi", "bmw", "buickm", "cadillac", "chevrolet", "

case on postgresql to insert/update table -

i using simple case condition insert or update on postgresql didnt know why when insert insert/update each condition got error.. this simple function: create or replace function insert_new_table_log() returns trigger $new_table$ begin select id_hdr, case id_hdr when id_hdr = (update new_table_dtl set id_hdr =, nama = old.nama, description=old.description id_hdr = else (insert new_table_dtl(id_hdr, nama, description) values(, old.nama, old.description)) end new_table_dtl; return new; end; $new_table$ language plpgsql; and message error error: syntax error @ or near "new_table_dtl" line 7: (update new_table_dtl set id_hdr =, nama =

c# - Find users who cannot change their password -

i trying prepare report of users cannot change password in ad. ad installed on window server 2012. here method, thought work isn't working - /// <summary> /// check whether password of user cannot changed. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">the directoryentry object of user.</param> /// <returns>return true if password cannot changed else false.</returns> public static bool ispasswordcannotbechanged(directoryentry user) { if ("useraccountcontrol") &&["useraccountcontrol"].value != null) { var userflags = (userflags)["useraccountcontrol"].value; return userflags.contains(userflags.passwordcannotchange); } return false; } and here enum userflags - [flags] public enum userflags { // reference - chapter 10 (from .net developer'

caching - How to get All Cache names present in Oracle Coherence cluster? -

i running oracle coherence cluster , using extended clients connect cluster. if there multiple extended clients keep joining , leaving oracle coherence cluster, there chances 1 service created caches , left cluster caches present in cluster. i want cache names present in cluster @ point of time. is possible cache names? there api in cacheservice called getcachenames returns cache names corresponding service. but how cache names created other services belonging clients no more active caches present in cluster? [update] :- there command called 'maps' gives caches present in server(created clients). not able find api same operation. is there api execute maps command or way execute command directly using java code. better late never... here rough example, needs bit of tidying if want use in production... enumeration servicenames = cachefactory.getcluster().getservicenames(); while(servicenames.hasmoreelements()){ string servicename = (string)serv

python - Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my function? -

i'm working on project , keep getting problem when code tries return "guess" variable, instead of returning value of "guess" goes line 9 converts value string reason, , returns that. when go use returned value in something, python says value "nonetype". def ask_question(max_length, roworcol, guessnumber): guess = raw_input("what "+roworcol+" number of "+guessnumber+" guess? ") try: guess = int(guess) if guess <= max_length: return guess else: print "that number big, must no larger " +str(max_length) ask_question(max_length, roworcol, guessnumber) except(typeerror): print "only numbers accepted, please try again!" ask_question(max_length, roworcol, guessnumber) i call function line: first_guess_row = ask_question(4, "row", "first") is there i'm missing? of course branche

c# - WinRT XAML Bind to Parent Data Context in DataTemplate -

i trying figure out how bind a combo box parent data context within componentone flexgrid. saw tyler's question , tried but, when run winrt app, combo box empty. able working setting viewmodel static resource on page, unclear if there negative implications doing instead of setting page.datacontext. appreciated. working example: <resourcedictionary> <datatemplate x:key="permission"> <checkbox horizontalalignment="center" ischecked="{binding ischecked, mode=twoway}"/> </datatemplate> <vm:permissiondetailsviewmodel x:key="viewmodel" /> </resourcedictionary> and <c1:c1flexgrid margin="35 10" grid.row="2" grouprowposition="abovedata" name="c1flexgrid" it

dataframe - How to add two columns in a data frame to create a new third column, based on sub-strings of column names, in R? -

lets consider simple data frame follows : id area1feature1 area1feature2 area2feature1 area2feature2 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 6 1 5 now combine feature1 areas, feature2 areas , on, , create new sumoffeature1 , sumoffeature2 , etc. so expected output : id area1feature1 area1feature2 area2feature1 area2feature2 sumoffeature1 sumoffeature2 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 2 3 6 1 5 4 11 how can match columns based on sub-string , combine them create new columns data frame? the way did follows : let input data frame. features_to_be_combined <- c('feature1', 'feature2') locations <- sapply(features_to_be_combined, grep, colnames(input)) feature1_locations <- locations[, 'feature1'] sumoffeature1 <- rep(0, dim(input)[1]) (i in 1:length(feature1_locations)) { sum

actionscript 3 - AS3 doesn't recognize a variable I just declared -

i'm trying load background image, i'm getting error saying "error: access of undefined property assetloader." what's going on here? import flash.display.loader; import; class inventory { private var assetloader:loader = new loader(); assetloader.load(new urlrequest("image.png")); //error on line addchild(assetloader); } if using addchild() method must inherits features of displayobjectcontainer . , if using inventory class document class, must extends sprite or movieclip . document class must defined public access specifier. only globally(class property definitions) declared variables allowed use private , public . not allowed use locally(within functions). , timeline not allow use access specifiers. package { import flash.display.loader; import; import flash.display.movieclip; public class inventory extends movieclip { private var assetloader:loader

winapi - Tablet PC/on-screen keyboard on secure desktop -

when using uac dialog (which runs on secure desktop) used on tablet pc, provides on-screen-keyboard password field (pretty same login screen). think implemented in tabtip.exe. now use secure desktop password prompt. in (sparse) pseudo code, looks like: hdesk = createdesktop("my random desktop name", null, 0, 0, create_menu|create_window|read_objects|write_objects|switch_desktop); createthread(securedesktopthread) and in securedesktopthread : ... setthreaddesktop(hdesk); switchdesktop(hdesk); mydialog dlg = new mydialog(); dlg.showmodal(); ... however, table pc keyboard (ime?) not available on secure desktop, making unuseable on tablet pc. how can tablet pc/softkeyboard/ime enabled? as example keyboard mean (not in secure desktop because can't capture screenshots there): i have same problem found known bug:

jquery - Why is my slide down navigation not working in specific window width -

i have div element in header - using navigation bar - full width (i.e.: width: 100%; ) , i'm using css , jquery make behave different ways different devices. the basic structure of navigation bar so: <div id="nav-bar" class="bar"> <div id="nav-content" class="cf"> <div id="branding-wrap"> <a href="homeurl"><img src="/images/logo.png" id="logo"></a> </div><!-- end #branding-wrap --> <nav id="main-nav" class="right"> <?php get_search_form(); wp_nav_menu(array( 'menu' => 'main nav menu', 'container_class' => 'menu-item' )); ?

pymongo - How to keep appending subdocuments in MongoDB? -

i trying bulk insert in mongodb using pymongo. have millions of product/review documents insert mongodb. here structure of document: { "_id" : objectid("553858a14483e94d1e563ce9"), "product_id" : "b000gikz4w", "product_category" : "arts", "product_brand" : "unknown", "reviews" : [ { "date" : isodate("2012-01-09t00:00:00z"), "score" : 3, "user_id" : "a3dla3s8qklbnw", "sentiment" : 0.2517857142857143, "text" : "the ink pretty dried upon arrival. was...", "user_gender" : "male", "voted_total" : 0, "voted_helpful" : 0, "user_name" : "womans_roar \"rohrra\"", "summary" : "cute stamps came

c++ - If QList instance is const, does it mean each element is constant? -

the following code fails compile: void func(const qlist<int>& list){ auto& elem = list[0]; } the problem cannot bind const element non-const reference. following code works: const auto& elem = list[0]; can explain why passing list const makes element const ? can explain why passing list const makes element const ? this semantics standard containers following. here's reason can see: const int arr1 = {10, 20}; arr1[0] = 40; // error. elements of arr1 cannot modified. const std::vector<int> arr2 = {10, 20}; arr2[0] = 40; // same semantics. error. elements of arr2 cannot modified. extending logic qlist , elements of qlist const if qlist const .

How to keep messages in channel with no subscriber in Spring Integration? -

i have following set-up in spring integration 4.1 project: a chain subscribed publish-subscriber channel. a service bus starts/stops chain. what happens when stop chain, messages dissapear topic , them remain there until chain activated again (much jms queue). how achieve behaviour? i have tried approach error "back channel" stating not have subscribers process message: 1 - publish-subscriber channel 2 - chain being stopped/started 3 - control bus gateway 4 - have added bridge , regular channel act queue this error solution: caused by: org.springframework.integration.messagedispatchingexception: dispatcher has no subscribers @ org.springframework.integration.dispatcher.unicastingdispatcher.dodispatch( @ org.springframework.integration.dispatcher.unicastingdispatcher.dispatch( @ ...

JavaScript DOM Elements -

i working on jsbin exercise. here link:,css,js,console,output i've taken words out of hestext div, split them array, added unique spans each word (word1, word2, word3, etc) , to, upon clicking transform button, able mouseover each word , turn it's background yellow, normal on moving (blurring?) off word. grateful if can teach me...! yeah, need css accomplish want :hover rule. (you want clear html after split words). here's updated jsbin code here, below: var hestext = document.getelementbyid("hestext"); var transformbtn = document.getelementbyid("transformbutton"); transformbtn.addeventlistener('click', function() { var wordarray = hestext.innertext.split(" "); hestext.innerhtml = ""; (var = 0; < wordarray.length; i++) { var spannode = document.createelement("span"); spannode.appendchild(docume

javascript - How do i print multiple values separately in php? -

i'm retrieving data database using unique id. problem is, values being retrieved , being printed in single line. want them below 1 another. tried " " "\n " , nl2br. if me. in advance. php file: <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = ''; $dbname = 'db'; $db = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { die("connection couldn't established"); } if(isset($_post['enrno']) === true && empty($_post['enrno']) === false) { //$enr = $_post['enrno']; $enrno = mysql_real_escape_string ($_post['enrno']); $query = "select * cert enrno = '$enrno'"; $result = $db->query($query); $total_num_rows = $result->num_rows; while ($row=$result->fetch_array()) { echo ("enrno: " .$row["enrno"]); echo ("name: " .$row["name"]); echo ("batch code: "

Can we run drools 5 and drool 6 in parallel in same application ( drools- spring ) integration application -

i have existing application based on drools 5 rules engine , need migrate drools 6 can not in 1 go i.e have in multiple stages . requirement want support droosl 5 , drool 6 execution in parallel in same application . for have created sample poc 1) created drools spring integration application having both drools 5 , drool 6 spring integration configuration files . drools 5 : <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:util="" xmlns:oxm="" xmlns:drools="" xsi:schemalocation="

java - Parsing a multi-part response from a http get -

i'm developing integration between 2 applications. application 1 uses httpclient getmethod request application 2. application 2 return multipart response files embedded. thought simple exercise, cannot seem find common support parsing multipart response http get. how can application 1 parse multipart response application 2? as using multi part encode send request server(servlet). multi part encode encrypt data in form have decrypt them first , can use values. please follow link. what enctype='multipart/form-data' mean? . convenient way parse incoming multipart/form-data parameters in servlet .

osx - What is an alternative to win32gui in python 2.7 for mac -

i using win32gui figuring out specific window has been opened or not in windows. want have same functionality in mac os also. in windows import win32gui win32gui.findwindow(class_name, window_name) what equivalent lib in python 2.7 mac os? i found solution above problem from quartz import cgwindowlistcopywindowinfo, kcgnullwindowid, kcgwindowlistoptionall import datetime, time print found = false count = 0 windowname = "hello world" while 1: list = cgwindowlistcopywindowinfo(kcgwindowlistoptionall, kcgnullwindowid) time.sleep(0.2) in list: try: if a['kcgwindowname'] == windowname: print "**** yippee *****" print "window found" print found = true break except: pass if found == true: break print "not found", count count+=1 print

swift - UIImage showing nil even after initialize it -

i declared uiimage variable : var s1:uiimage? = uiimage(named: "alphabet o") i assigning image in method: func setimage(){ if var img = s1{ img = uiimage(named: "alphabet x")! } } the answer can quite simple new in swift. please help. thanks

android - My app is not showing in search result even after 1 month -

it has been 1 month since calculator app published in play store production. still not in search result. tried in hundreds results showing keyword calculator, calculator free etc, not found app. can see direct hitting url package name. what do? idea on this, pls share ur app search result experience. edit: can please me, filed form google developer support have not responded query . this happen when user publish in alpha/beta mode . have published in production mode?

jboss - Is it possible to know if automated tools are used -

just wanted know if possible know server webserver jboss being accessd human being or automated tool remote system. this huge question many people have been trying solve years, , problem not specific jboss. if automated tool "good intentioned" provide distinctive "user-agent" header in requests, 1 knows "who's asking". if automated tool trying pretend human, things can complicated. that's why captcha invented, example (see discussion here ). usually type of question considered "not constructive" here, you'd need more specific situation. please note jboss more of "application server" "webserver".

javascript - Memory consumption of sparse arrays in Node.js -

i have written small program produces arrays, runs quite long (almost forever ;-)): var results = []; var = 1; while (true) { console.log(i++); results.push([]); } when, instead of empty array, create sparse array of length i , program crashes quite fast: var results = []; var = 1; while (true) { console.log(i); results.push(new array(i++)); } actually i equal 17424, error message telling me fatal error: call_and_retry_last allocation failed - process out of memory abort trap: 6 and node.js takes me console. since difference second 1 produces "larger" empty arrays first ones, implies empty sparse array of length n takes n times space of empty array length 1 . am right (specifically node.js)? one more question: if run var results = []; var = 1; while (true) { console.log(i); var temp = []; temp[i++] = i; results.push(temp); } then 1286175, again crashes with: fatal error: call_and_retry_last allocation failed - process out of mem

ios - WatchKit Error Took too long to show custom notification. Falling back to static -

when run watchkit extension app in simulator got following error: took long show custom notification. falling `static`. can 1 tell me why issue occurs? 99% of time reason happens dynamic notification interface taking long load. make sure bare minimum in initialization methods.

Get linearly spread array of dates between two dates, given count of desired dates - javascript, d3.js, moment.js -

let's have dates: mon mar 31 2014 05:42:35 gmt+0200 (cest) wed sep 02 2015 10:29:38 gmt+0200 (cest) and totalnumberofdates = 37; i'd array of 37 dates (first , last date should above), linearly spread between given dates. i'd appreciate elegant solution in d3.js or moment.js function getdaterange(startdate, enddate, steps) { var stepsize = (enddate - startdate) / steps; return d3.range(steps + 1).map(function(i){ return moment(startdate).add(stepsize * i, 'ms').todate() }); } where startdate , enddate date objects. note function return array length steps+1 . because point of view logical. if example want one step 12 14 oclock expect result [12oclock, 14oclock] .

i want configure one of the column in csv file and its the value of the variable is already fetched from a config file in perl -

i have csv file fetching data line line , calling function , giving value.. want 1 of value in csv file configurable put $ sign value not interpreted in program , added the same value program can take value. from csv file getting value as: 1, tc_6.01_ua_create_user ,$create_user_command this function:- sub function{ # $create_user_command --this global variable # take config file ; print "$create_user_command"; # showing command-- create user $tc_name = $_[1]; print "test case name : $tc_name\n"; $test_command = $_[2]; # value @ second index $_[2]is value # csv file want configure print "test case command: $test_command\n"; # printing value csv # i.e $create_user_command not interpreting print "$test_command\n"; } i want how interpret $create_user_command value csv.. please me in this you way wish use eval. perldoc -f eval perldoc eval use eval care, run ar

objective c - UITableViewCell height not getting updated on scroll (cell reuse issue) -

i have variable cell height working auto-layout (ios8) per answer . cell heights correct when table loaded. if scroll table cell height not correct cells. seems cell being reused without height being readjusted. i have 1 custom view in cell determines height of cell. have overridden instrinsiccontentsize view. it seems instrinsiccontentsize not called on cell reuse. have tried setneedslayout, setneedsdisplay etc cell height updated on resuse no luck. needed call invalidateintrinsiccontentsize custom view when configuring cell.

java - Want to run optaplanner examples on my laptop but it throws an exception -

when run command ./ on terminal throws exception. have checked java installed , class path set. how resolve this? starting examples app java environment variable path... exception in thread "main" java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org/slf4j/loggerfactory @<clinit>( @ caused by: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: org.slf4j.loggerfactory @$ @$ @ method) @ @ java.lang.classloader.loadclass( @ sun.misc.launcher$appclassloader.loadclass( @ java.lang.classloader.loadclass( ... 2 more yo

c# - What is a way to combine different images to form a single image? -

i want make cartoon using face.jpg hair.jpg eyes.jpg , other .jpg files of other facial features make single image of cartoon. know can draw lines,circles,ellipses etc. on image bitmap using graphics object there way draw image bitmap on graphics object?. appreciated. if have image instance, can use graphics.drawimage method.

html - Zoom images smoothly with CSS -

i have picture, want zoom if users move mouse on it. currently, not happen smoothly. example: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>zoom</title> <style> .zoom:hover { zoom: 1.5; } </style> </head> <body> <p><img src="images/image.png" class="zoom"></p> </body> </html> use transform smooth zoom: .zoom { transition: transform 1s; } but should change scale instead of zoom (thanks @val): .zoom:hover { transform: scale(2); } i created fiddle , you.

animation - Adobe flash exceeding time span due to heavy effects and shapes ? any solution pls -

i m doing small animation project of 15 seconds in adobe flash cs6. due heavy shapes , effects (emboss, blur, drop shadow clip mask, opacity mask, 3 images etc), m getting output file more 15 seconds long , animation not smooth. shapes m designing in adobe illustrator , importing flash. after removing layers m getting 15 seconds ok output. pls 1 guide optimize time of animation.

javascript - GA GTM Tags fired on debug mode but doesn't send data -

regarding universal analytics in google tag manager. i have setup same configurations dev , prod environments prod doesn't seems send data. when in debug mode, shows tags being fired looking @ console (chrome), under network tab, should show requests not showing on prod application. anyone know what's happening?

windows - QT and Boost : Cannot find -llibboost_filesystem -

i work (and cannot other version of qt) : qt creator 2.4.1 , qt 4.8.4 (with mingw compiler) boost 1.52 to build boost : i first added "c:/qt/qtcreator-2.4.1/mingw/bin" path variable then opened command prompt went "c:/boost_1_52" typed "bootstrap.bat mingw" and "b2 toolset=gcc build-type=complete stage" (this took long time (about 2h)) i use qt creator boost library come against difficulties. project simple, it's basic qt code : qcoreapplication a(argc, argv) return a.exec() i added includes : #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/timer.hpp> in .pro file have added : defines += boost_all_use_lib includepath += c:/boost_1_52 libs += -lc:/boost_1_52/stage/lib \ -lboost_system-mgw48-mt-1_52 \ -lboost_thread-mgw48-mt-1-52 \ -lboost_timer-mgw48-mt-1_52 #"libboost_system..." needs library libs += -lc:/w