android - How to use returned arraylist?How to retrieve data from arraylist? -

in following code,i saving 3 values fun_id,fun_logo,fun_req of class code arraylist returned,now want retrieve fun_id,fun_logo,fun_req.i want add fun_logo imagearray.i know how use class use retreving data.i learning small idea bout android.

 arraylist<use> stringarraylist = null;     arraylist<use> res = null;     arraylist<string> linklist = null;     string getdetailsurl;     string  link [];     string[] ar;     use[] getalldet;    public string imagearray[];   @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);          new getdetailsfromweb().execute();          list=(listview)findviewbyid(;       // adapter=new myadpter(this, imagearray);         list.setadapter(adapter);       } public class getdetailsfromweb extends asynctask<string,void,string>     {          string result = "";          @override         protected string doinbackground(string... params) {              getdetailsurl=webcall.getdet();              if(getdetailsurl!=null)             {                  result = "success";             }             else             {                 result = "failure";              }             return result;         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(string result) {             res = new arraylist<use>();              try {                 if (result.contentequals("success"))                  {                      res=passdetails();                     system.out.println("lsize " + res.size());                     for(int i=0;i<res.size();i++)                     {                         // retreive value should here                        imagearray[i]=obj.funlogo;                      system.out.println("logo " + imagearray[i]);                      }                   }                  else                  {                  }             } catch (exception e1) {                  e1.printstacktrace();             }           }    public   arraylist<use> passdetails()         {             jsonarray array = null;             stringarraylist = new arraylist<use>();             linklist= new arraylist<string>();             use usee;             try {                 array = new jsonarray(getdetailsurl);             } catch (jsonexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();             }               for(int = 0;i <array.length() ;i++ )               {                   string fun_id= null;                  string fun_logo= null;                  string fun_req = null;                 try {                     fun_id = array.getjsonobject(i).getstring("up_id");                      system.out.println("up_id " + fun_id);                        fun_logo=array.getjsonobject(i).getstring("logo");                      system.out.println("logo " + fun_logo);                        fun_req=array.getjsonobject(i).getstring("requirements");                      system.out.println("req " + fun_req);                 } catch (jsonexception e) {                     // todo auto-generated catch block                     e.printstacktrace();                 }                   usee=new use();                  usee.funid=fun_id;                  system.out.println("fun " + usee.funid);                 usee.funlogo=fun_logo;                  system.out.println("fun " + usee.funlogo);                 usee.funreq=fun_req;                  system.out.println("fun " + usee.funreq);                   linklist.add(fun_logo);                  stringarraylist.add(usee);               }              return stringarraylist;          }       }

public class use {     public static string funid;     public string funlogo;     public  string funreq;  } 

  1. define use class getter , setter methods.
  2. define method getfunlogos() in use class return image array of fun logos. access method wherever want.

    protected string[] getfunlogos(arraylist<use> listfunlogos) { for(int i=0;i<res.size();i++) {    // retreive value should here    imagearray[i]=obj.funlogo;    system.out.println("logo " + imagearray[i]); } } 

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