Symfony 2 -security.yml: How to create an exception pattern inside the firewalls? -

example: have inside firewalls

 secured_area:              pattern:    ^/              form_login:                  check_path: /secured/login_check                  login_path: /secured/login              logout:                  path:   /secured/logout                  target: /              context: primary_auth 

i access pattern => ^/toto without login.

please, me ?

with this, can access it.

#change path security:     secured_area:         anonymous: ~         pattern:    ^/         form_login:             check_path: /secured/login_check             login_path: /secured/login         logout:             path:   /secured/logout             target: /         context: primary_auth      access_control:         - { path: /toto, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }         - { path: ^/login, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }         - { path: ^/ , roles: role_user } 

edit :

don't forget anonymous : ~ (let anonymous user use (for toto))

and let authorization via access_control

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