How to observe individual input elements which were created in bulk in R Shiny -

i have set of sliderinputs number equals number of columns in data. number of columns determined values of choices global.r. each slider associate 1 column , created shown bellow in server.r , ui.r.

i observe them individually can apply values associated column. in example. suggestion?

 #example. not valide code!!!  selectedvalbysliders <- observe({      print("numbers selected via sliders:")      out_sliders <- input$sliders[1:numsliders]     print(out_sliders)   }) 


    output$sliders <- renderui({       numsliders <- numcols(input$dataname)       lapply(1:numsliders, function(i) {         sliderinput(                     inputid = paste0('column', i),                     label = paste0('select range column ', i),                     min = min(selectrange(input$dataname)),                     max = max(selectrange(input$dataname)),                     value = c(min(selectrange(input$dataname)), max(selectrange(input$dataname))),                     step =1)         })     }) 


            uioutput(outputid = "sliders"), 


 selectrange <- function(x){   if(x == "data1"){choices = c(1:10)}   if(x == "data2"){choices = c(1:15)}   if(x == "data3"){choices = c(1:20)}   if(x == "data4"){choices = c(1:25)} return(choices)   }   numcols <- function(x){   if(x == "data1"){ncolumns = 4}   if(x == "data2"){ncolumns = 5}   if(x == "data3"){ncolumns = 5}   if(x == "data4"){ncolumns = 6} return(ncolumns)   } 

in case might bump same issue, here solution. feel free update better answer if have one.

  minmax <- matrix(0, ncol(getdata), 2)   for(i in seq(ncol(getdata))){     if(!is.null(input[[paste0('column', i)]])){     val <- input[[paste0('column', i)]]     minmax[i,] <- val     index <- which(getdata[, i] %in% c(minmax[i, 1]:minmax[i, 2]))     selectedset <- getdata[index, ]   } } 

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