java - Hibernate: getting data from two linked tables using Ctriteria API -

how can data 2 linked tables (one-to-many: 1 user , many results) value 'ispassed' (boolean) using ctriteria api? enter image description here

    private list<?> winners;          try {                        sessionfactory factory = hibernateutil.getsessionfactory();             session hsession = factory.opensession();             transaction tx = null;                  try {                      tx = hsession.begintransaction();                     winners = hsession.createsqlquery("select * usertable u, resulttable r = r.ispassed = true").list();                     tx.commit();                  } catch (exception e) {                     if (tx != null)                         tx.rollback();                 } {                     hsession.close();                 }              } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }              system.out.println(winners.size()); // exception 

you can use hql:

from usertable u, resulttable r = r.ispassed = 1 

this return list of [user,result] arrays.

change code like:

private list<?> winners;      try {                sessionfactory factory = hibernateutil.getsessionfactory();     session hsession = factory.opensession();     transaction tx = null;          try {              tx = hsession.begintransaction();             winners = hsession.createsqlquery("from usertable u, resulttable r = , r.ispassed = true").list();             tx.commit();          } catch (exception e) {             if (tx != null)                 tx.rollback();         } {             hsession.close();         }      } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }      system.out.println(winners.size()); 


criteriabuilder b = em.getcriteriabuilder(); criteriaquery<tuple> c = b.createtuplequery(); root<entityx> entityxroot= c.from(entityx.class); root<entityy> entityyroot = c.from(entityy.class);  list<predicate> predicates = new arraylist<>(); //here need add predicates need  list<predicate> andpredicates = new arraylist<>(); andpredicates.add(b.equal(entityxroot.get("id"), entityyroot.get("id"))); andpredicates.add(b.and(predicates.toarray(new predicate[0])));  c.multiselect(entityxroot, entityyroot); c.where(andpredicates.toarray(new predicate[0]));  typedquery<tuple> q = em.createquery(criteria);  list<tuple> result = q.getresultlist(); 

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