Can't compile a LESS file into CSS -

my less file looks this:

/*style*/ .themestyle(){     font-weight:normal;     text-transform:capitalize;     text-transform:none; } .styletitleblock(@padding; @margin){     text-transform:uppercase;     padding:@padding;     margin:@margin;     text-align: left; } .hidetext(){     display: inline-block;     text-indent: -99999px;     overflow: hidden;     vertical-align: middle;     text-align: left;     float: left;     .themestyle(); } .themeposition(){     position:absolute;     top:0;     left:0; } /*color text * color text hover*/ .link(@color; @colorhover){     color: @color;     &:hover,     &:focus,     &:active {         color: @colorhover;         text-decoration:none;     } } /*========================= functions==================*/ /*change font*/ .changefont (@font){     font: @font; }  /*change text color*/ .changecolor (@color){     color: @color; } /*change line*/ .changeline (@linecolor){     border-color: @linecolor; } /*change background color*/ .changebkg (@bgkcolor){     background-color: @bgkcolor; } /*change background image color*/ .changebkg (@bkgcolor; @bkgurl; @bkgname; @bkgposition; @bkgrepeat){     background-color:@bkgcolor;     background-image:url("@{bkgurl}@{bkgname}");     background-position:@bkgposition;     background-repeat:@bkgrepeat;  }  /*change color-border-background color*/ .changeallcolor(@color; @bgkcolor){     .changecolor (@color);     .changebkg (@bgkcolor); } .changeallcolor(@color; @linecolor; @bgkcolor){     .changecolor (@color);     .changeline (@linecolor);     .changebkg (@bgkcolor); } 

etc. i'd need use on shared host without less compiler seems. wanted pre-compile it.

lessc functions.less  > functions.css 

generates css file, contains comments - no code, no other css directives. did wrong? can solve problem?

you have mixins in less file. mixins not result in css output, if used nowhere. see less documentation more mixins (in case, parametric mixins).

try remove parentheses after selectors, this:

.hidetext {     display: inline-block;     text-indent: -99999px;     overflow: hidden;     vertical-align: middle;     text-align: left;     float: left;     .themestyle(); } 

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