angularjs - ui.router + spring security - redirect upon required log in -

i'm building mvc web application using spring-security securing app , angular.js clent side framework.

ui.router changes content of page depanding on selected state. problem starts when user tries select page referring page lacks privilages access, spring returns login page, , ui.router inserts login page body of page.

what do, redirect login page if login required instead of inserting current page.

how can acheive that?

i created 2 different angular modules, , each module had own routing.

the 2 angular modules are:

1) loginmodule (with own ui-router configuration, es. login, retrieve password, forgot password , on...)

2) securedmodule: authenticated part

i created 2 main pages entry point each ui-router

/signin -> signin.html -> (loginmodule) -> ui-routing login
/secured -> secured.html -> (securedmodule) -> ui-routing secure

now can configure un spring configuration , assign /signin login page , path /secured authenticated.

here spring security configuration:

 .antmatchers("/secured").hasauthority("sp_light")  .and().formlogin().loginpage("/signin") 

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