java - For a console calculator program, how to split an array of strings (that are numbers) into an array of strings -
i'm writing command line application of calculator in java. need able (as per program requirements) split array of strings (6+3) array of strings? how done? know can use split method, not sure how work perform math them?
on side note: application, how make program accept variety of different lengths of strings perform math them?
public class calculator { //public string input ="foo"; public static void main(string[] args) { string input = ""; // initalize string boolean ison = true; // used while loop...when false, program exit. string exitcommand = "exit"; // exit command system.out.print("enter math problem"); // dummy test scanner keyboard = new scanner(; //input = keyboard.nextline(); string[] token = input.split(("(?<=[-+*/])|(?=[-+*/])")); while (ison) { (int = 0; < token.length; i++) { //system.out.println(token[i]); double d = double.parsedouble(keyboard.nextline()); //this causes error //string[] token = d.split(("(?<=[-+*/])|(?=[-+*/])")); //input = keyboard.nextline(); if (input.equalsignorecase(exitcommand)) { // if user enters exit(ignored case) boolean goes false, closing application ison = false; } system.out.print(token[0] + d); // shows math problem(which end of coding should show //answer entered math problem. } } } public void validoperator() { arraylist<string> operator = new arraylist<string>(); operator.add("+"); operator.add("-"); operator.add("*"); operator.add("/"); } public void validoperands(){ arraylist<string> operand = new arraylist<string>(); operand.add("0"); operand.add("1"); operand.add("2"); operand.add("3"); operand.add("4"); operand.add("5"); operand.add("6"); operand.add("7"); operand.add("8"); operand.add("9"); }
that am. cannot figure out how parse expression. can enter single number, not expression , have math "math".
little nebulous, assuming trying separate operators numbers
new string("6+3").split("\+") should give 2 numbers.
split takes regular expression, put operators you're handling in regex , numbers