Regex for URL in python -

url1='' #url2='' def verify(url):     try:'((^https|http|ftp):)?(/?/?www)\.[a-za-z0-9]+\.[a-za-z]{2,3}\/[-a-za-z0-9?=&%#./]*',url)         print      except:         print "not valid"  verify(url1) 

shouldnt url invalid there dot before www?

my output shows: 

let's break down regex:

(                    # begin group   (^https|http|ftp): # protocol (and https needs @ start) )?                   # end optional group (                    # start group   /?/?               # optional slashes   www                # www )                    # end group ... 

from above, can see both protocol , slashes optional, regex requires www somewhere, regardless of what's @ start.

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