javascript - How do I check if the current url or path is equal to a certain link and if not, append a forward slash to the href in the nav bar? -

i javascript , jquery newby , have issues page scroll being directed different page. work being done in wordpress php. using page-scroll href=#id , changed href=/#id slash allows directing properly. issue if on current page of home. forward slash jumps rather page-scrolls. thinking leave href=#id without slash , have check if current url != home, append forward slash href. genuinely appreciated!

this allows page scroll current page , doesn't direct pricing & services page

    <li><a class="page-scroll" href="#howitworks">how works</a></li> 

adding "/" allows directing pricing& services page jumps if on homepage. want jump if not on homepage. smooth scroll on current page.

    <li><a class="page-scroll" href="/#aboutus">about us</a></li> 

page directing from.

    <li><a class="page-scroll" href="pricing-services">pricing & services</a></li> 

this javascript code using requires jquery easing plugin

    $(function() {       $('').bind('click', function(event) {        var $anchor = $(this);        $('html, body').stop().animate({         scrolltop: $($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top-50        }, 1500, 'easeinoutexpo');        event.preventdefault();       });     }); 

to current url can use window.location.pathname :

var path = window.location.pathname; var add = ''; 

check if "home" in url. indexof returns -1 if doesnt find anything. else return position of first occurance

if(path.indexof("home") == -1){        add = '/'; } 

then add slash href this:

var href = $('.page-scroll').attr('href'); $('.page-scroll').attr('href',add+href); 

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