javascript - Hiding specific elements after creating them with ng-repeat -
i'm trying create piano on page using 2 image files: white-key , black-key.
i've created them, black keys on piano alternate in groups of 2 , 3 , i'd hide black key images indices [1, 4(1+3), 8(4+4), 11(8+3), 15(11+4), .., 54]. i'm unsure of how go doing though.
this how created them.
<div ng-controller="drawctrl draw"> <ul class="white-keys"> <li ng-repeat="t in draw.range(56) track $index"> <img ng-src={{draw.white_key}} /> </li> </ul> <ul class="black-keys"> <li ng-repeat="t in draw.range(55) track $index"> <img ng-src={{draw.black_key}} /> </li> </ul> </div>
angular.module('app') .controller('drawctrl', function() { var self = this; self.piano_back = 'img/background.png'; self.white_key = 'img/midi_white_up.png'; self.black_key = 'img/midi_black_up.png'; self.range = function(num) { return new array(num); }; });
edit: got working hansmaad's answer.
<ul class="black-keys"> <li ng-repeat="key in draw.keys" ng-switch=""> <img ng-switch-when="true" ng-src={{draw.black_key}} /> <img ng-switch-when="false" ng-src={{draw.black_key}} class="black-hidden" /> </li> </ul>
self.keys = []; var keygroupof3 = true; self.keys.push({black: true}); // first key shown var = 1; while (i < 54) { self.keys.push({black: false}); // alwasy followed @ least 2 self.keys.push({black: true}); self.keys.push({black: true}); if (keygroupof3){ self.keys.push({black: true}); += 4; } else { += 3; }
i think should create keyboard in controller array of keys. can use single ng-repeat
draw keys. draw right img
key can use ng-switch
or store imgage url in key.
a simple example without images using ng-class
<div ng-controller="drawctrl draw"> <ul > <li ng-repeat="key in draw.keys" ng-class="{ 'black' :, 'white' : !}"> </li> </ul> </div>
function drawctrl() { this.keys = [] for(var = 0, e = 55; < e; ++i) { this.keys.push({ black : isblackkey(i) }); } function isblackkey(i) { // piano logic here return % 2 == 0; } }
using ng-switch
<ul> <li ng-repeat="key in draw.keys" ng-switch=""> <span ng-switch-when="true">black key</span> <span ng-switch-when="false">white key</span> </li> </ul>
edit: simple, stupid algorithm fill keys array:
this.keys = [] var lastwasblack = true; var d = 5; var next = 5; for(var = 0, e = 55; < e; ++i) { var isblack = !lastwasblack; if (i === next) { isblack =!isblack; d = d === 5 ? 7 : 5; next += d; } this.keys.push({ black : isblack }); lastwasblack = isblack; } }