php - __call and __callStatic not working properly or writing incorrectly -

<?php     class statics {          private static $keyword;          public static function __callstatic($name,$args){             self::$keyword = "google";         }         public static function tellme(){             echo self::$keyword;         }     }      statics::tellme(); 

this simple breakdown tried using __construct way write code statics::tellme(); need write new __construct work. , private static variable keyword not written without being called ideas why not working??

ide not working example

    private static $pathname;     public function __construct($dir = "")     {         set_include_path(dirname($_server["document_root"]));         if($dir !== "") {             $dir = "/".$dir;         }         self::$pathname = $dir.".htaccess";          if( file_exists(self::$pathname) ) {             self::$htaccess = file_get_contents($dir.".htaccess",true);             self::$htaccess_array = explode("\n",self::$htaccess);         }     } 

the self::$patname not getting assigned because not doing $key = new key(); need way if key::get() or that.

you have misunderstanding in way __callstatic working. magic method __callstatic act fallback method when static method unknow class.

class statics {      private static $keyword;      public static function __callstatic($name,$args){         return 'i '.$name.' , called arguments : '.implode(','$args);      }     public static function tellme(){         return 'i tellme';     } }  echo statics::tellme(); // print tellme echo statics::tellthem(); // print tellthem , called arguments :  echo statics::telleveryone('i','love','them'); // print telleveryone , called arguments : i, love, them 

so in case :

class statics {      private static $keyword;      public static function __callstatic($name,$args){         self::$keyword = "google";         return self::$keyword;     } }  echo statics::tellme(); 

as per edit :

class statics{     private static $pathname;     private static $dir;      public function getpathname($dir = "")     // or public function getpathname($dir = null)      {         if($dir !== self::$dir || self::$pathname === ''){         // or if($dir !== null || self::$pathname === ''){ -> way if getpathname() second time, don't have pass param $dir again             self::$dir = $dir;             set_include_path(dirname($_server["document_root"]));             if($dir !== "") {                 $dir = "/".$dir;             }             self::$pathname = $dir.".htaccess";              if( file_exists(self::$pathname) ) {                 self::$htaccess = file_get_contents($dir.".htaccess",true);                 self::$htaccess_array = explode("\n",self::$htaccess);             }         }         return self::$pathname;     } }  echo statics::getpathname('some'); 

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