optional - Retrieve copy of an object from a java stream -

i want copy of object filtered stream.

by moment, made way.

foo foo = new foo(foolist.stream()                 .filter(f -> (f.getid().equals(anotherfooid)))                 .findany().orelse(new foo(anotherfooid))); 

as can see, object have, among others contructors, clone constructor.

class foo {        private string id;    foo(string id) {       this.id = id;    }    foo(foo originalfoo) {       this.id = originalfoo.getid();    } } 

my question is, there's no more elegant way streams?

you call foo::new after findany() don't need instantiate 2 objects when don't find match:

foo foo = foolist.stream()                  .filter(f -> (f.getid().equals(anotherfooid)))                  .findany().map(foo::new).orelse(new foo(anotherfooid)); 

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