c# - Select interval linq -

is there way linq select numbers shortcut criteria. this: have numbers 1 10000. criteria (4012..4190|4229), meaning take numbers between 4012 4190 , number 4229:

 static int[] test(string criteria)     {         // criteria 4012..4190|4229         // select numbers lab criteria met         int[] lab = enumerable.range(0, 10000).toarray();          return lab;     } 

if criteria string, need way parse it, func<int, bool, it's not linq specific. in end you'll need this:

func<int, bool> predicate = parse(criteria); return lab.where(predicate).toarray(); 

where basic implementation of parse might follows:

public static func<int, bool> parse(string criteria) {     var alternatives = criteria         .split('|')         .select<string, func<int, bool>>(             token =>             {                 if (token.contains(".."))                 {                     var between = token.split(new[] {".."}, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries);                     int lo = int.parse(between[0]);                     int hi = int.parse(between[1]);                     return x => lo <= x && x <= hi;                 }                 else                 {                     int exact = int.parse(token);                     return x => x == exact;                 }             })         .toarray();      return x => alternatives.any(alt => alt(x)); }