r - Popups not working with leaflet & shiny -

i having trouble getting popups work in shiny app using leaflet package. application uses shinydashboard package well. copied code superzip example. example works fine locally, not within app. below of server.r file.

any clue cause problem?


  library(shiny)   library(leaflet)    function(input, output, session) {      mapp <- createleafletmap(session, "map")      # filter dataset     visit_data_f <- reactive({       s <- as.posixct(input$period[1], format = "%y-%m-%d")       e <- as.posixct(input$period[2], format = "%y-%m-%d")       hour(s) <- 23; minute(s) <- 59; second(s) <- 59;       hour(e) <- 23; minute(e) <- 59; second(e) <- 59;       d <- filter(visit_data, started_on >= s, started_on <= e)       if (input$district != "tous") {         d <- filter(d, district == input$district)       }       d     })      geo_data <- reactive({       data <- visit_data_f()       data$site_code <- factor(data$site_code)        # sync lag       d <- data.frame(sync_lag(data, "site_code"))       d <- cbind(rownames(d), d)       colnames(d) <- c("site_code", "sync_lag")       d <- mutate(d, sync_lag = round(as.numeric(sync_lag), 2))       d <- arrange(d, site_code)        # consults       consults <- data.frame(table(data$site_code))       colnames(consults) <- c("site_code", "n_consults")       consults <- arrange(consults, site_code)       d <- mutate(d, n_consults = consults$n_consults)        # coordinates       d <- merge(d, locations_data, by.x = "site_code", by.y = "site_code")       d <- filter(d, !is.na(latitude))       d$id <- seq(1:nrow(d))       d     })      session$onflushed(once = true, function() {       paintobs <- observe({         data <- geo_data()          mapp$clearshapes()         mapp$clearmarkers()          if (input$geo_data == "position") {           mapp$addmarker(data$latitude, data$longitude)         } else if (input$geo_data == "n_consults") {           radius <- data$n_consults           mapp$addcircle(data$latitude, data$longitude, radius * 5, data$id, list(stroke = f, fill = t, fillopacity = 0.4))         } else {           radius <- data$sync_lag           mapp$addcircle(data$latitude, data$longitude, radius * 150, data$id, list(stroke = f, fill = t, fillopacity = 0.4))         }       })        session$onsessionended(paintobs$suspend)     })      showinfopopup <- function(id, lat, lng) {       content <- paste("csps :", id)       mapp$showpopup(lat, lng, content, id)     }      clickobs <- observe({       mapp$clearpopups()       event <- input$mapp_shape_click       if (is.null(event)) {         print("-- null")         return()       }       isolate({         showinfopopup(event$id, event$lat, event$lng)       })     })      session$onsessionended(clickobs$suspend)   } 

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