spring - How can I use "+" in query string -

i'm using spring ibatis in project.

i want use "+" character in query.

<select id="test.testquery" remapresults="true" parameterclass="common.util.parameter" resultclass="common.util.parameter">         select + b + c table </select> 

this test query. when using query, error occured :

caused by: java.sql.sqlexception: jdbc-8015:missing right parenthesis.    select b c table 

"+" disappeared. how can use "+" ?

i don't know spring, no 1 else has responded i'll chime in:

the '+' converted space when passed in url - looks happening you. guess spring has kind encoding function convert plain text query 1 can passed in url.

standard url converting replaces + %2b try that. if there spring encoding function best because bound run other characters lost/changed when passed along.

i found this, don't know if relevant: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/util/uriutils.html

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