arrays - how to handle synchronization using mutex in a child thread in c programming -

i continuing yesterday's help, , have added code in child thread. basically, when user enters stdin, child thread should read , return parent thread. however, after printing output, code should redirected child thread , wait user press enter, once user press enter, code should exited. working, have used sleep() , want use mutex(), when comment sleep(), following codes print first ("press enter") parent code prints actual input.

/*required header files added*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> /*this structure hold string of user input , lock variable has created*/ struct thread_main {     char *buffer;     char *bufferparent;     pthread_mutex_t lock;     pthread_mutex_t lock1;  } td;  /*it child thread, , store user value in buffer variable has been declared in thread_main structure*/    static void *thread(void *buff)     {     /*the pointer has assigned structure, can values of buffer array*/                struct thread_arguments *arg = buff;          //the previous code          pthread_mutex_unlock(&td.lock);         pthread_mutex_destroy(&td.lock);          sleep(1); // want ignore this.         pthread_mutex_init(&td.lock, 0);         pthread_mutex_lock(&td.lock);          printf("press enter");         /*this code read buffer , check enter*/          pthread_mutex_unlock(&td.lock);         pthread_mutex_destroy(&td.lock);          return null;     } 

as noted in comment:

the size of arg in thread function size of pointer; apparently, you're using 32-bit machine or 32-bit build on 64-bit machine. you'll need create structure pointer , size, , pass pointer structure thread function.

this code works , illustrates mean:

#include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h>  struct thread_data {     char *buffer;     pthread_mutex_t lock; } td;  struct thread_arg {     char *buffer;     size_t buflen; };  static void *thread(void *data) {     struct thread_arg *arg = data;      printf("%zd\n", arg->buflen);     td.buffer = fgets(arg->buffer, arg->buflen, stdin);      pthread_mutex_unlock(&td.lock);      return null; }  int main(void) {     char buffer[128];     struct thread_arg arg = { buffer, sizeof(buffer) };     pthread_t thread_id;      pthread_mutex_init(&td.lock, 0);     pthread_mutex_lock(&td.lock);     printf("enter sync command -- ");      pthread_create(&thread_id, null, thread, &arg);      pthread_mutex_lock(&td.lock);     printf("message read parent- %s", td.buffer);      pthread_join(thread_id, null);      pthread_mutex_unlock(&td.lock);     pthread_mutex_destroy(&td.lock);     return 0; } 

note cannot use copies of locks if same original lock. code doesn't check fgets() returns line of data (a bug).

i'm not convinced lock necessary @ all. i'm not convinced struct thread_data worth keeping. code works, relying on thread exiting before parent tries read buffer.

#include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h>  struct thread_arg {     char *buffer;     size_t buflen; };  static void *thread(void *data) {     struct thread_arg *arg = data;      printf("%zd\n", arg->buflen);     fgets(arg->buffer, arg->buflen, stdin);      return null; }  int main(void) {     char buffer[128];     struct thread_arg arg = { buffer, sizeof(buffer) };     pthread_t thread_id;      printf("enter sync command -- ");      pthread_create(&thread_id, null, thread, &arg);     pthread_join(thread_id, null);      printf("message read parent- %s", buffer);     return 0; } 

if code , synchronization more complex, lock idea. might want add structure (or, equivalently, add buffer size structure).

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