java - Hibernate multitenancy test fails with NPE -

i'm using schema based multi-tenancy providing implementations both multitenantconnectionprovider & currenttenantidentifierresolver. trying hibernate session single tenant fails npe. looking hibernate's source code, seems jdbcservicesimpl initializes connectionprovider null in else block

private jdbcconnectionaccess buildjdbcconnectionaccess(map configvalues) {     final multitenancystrategy multitenancystrategy = multitenancystrategy.determinemultitenancystrategy( configvalues );      if ( multitenancystrategy.none == multitenancystrategy ) {         connectionprovider = serviceregistry.getservice( connectionprovider.class );         return new connectionproviderjdbcconnectionaccess( connectionprovider );     }     else {         connectionprovider = null;         final multitenantconnectionprovider multitenantconnectionprovider = serviceregistry.getservice( multitenantconnectionprovider.class );         return new multitenantconnectionproviderjdbcconnectionaccess( multitenantconnectionprovider );     } } 

please find test case here - , stacktrace -

is there basic missing out?

well, after looking @ source code awhile now. hibernate (as now) not support schema export. taken documentation.

currently schema export not work multi-tenancy. may not change

so, in case, fix remove line

config.getproperties().put(availablesettings.hbm2ddl_auto, "validate"); 

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