Translate AFNetworking POST constructingBodyWithBlock from Objective C to Swift -

i'm trying implement put version of below code in swift (so can implement put attachment), found here:

i'm having trouble getting compile, says variable task used within own initial value. thoughts?

objective c

- (nsurlsessiondatatask *)post:(nsstring *)urlstring                     parameters:(id)parameters      constructingbodywithblock:(void (^)(id <afmultipartformdata> formdata))block                        success:(void (^)(nsurlsessiondatatask *task, id responseobject))success                        failure:(void (^)(nsurlsessiondatatask *task, nserror *error))failure {     nserror *serializationerror = nil;     nsmutableurlrequest *request = [self.requestserializer multipartformrequestwithmethod:@"post" urlstring:[[nsurl urlwithstring:urlstring relativetourl:self.baseurl] absolutestring] parameters:parameters constructingbodywithblock:block error:&serializationerror];     if (serializationerror) {         if (failure) { #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-wgnu"             dispatch_async(self.completionqueue ?: dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                 failure(nil, serializationerror);             }); #pragma clang diagnostic pop         }          return nil;     }      __block nsurlsessiondatatask *task = [self uploadtaskwithstreamedrequest:request progress:nil completionhandler:^(nsurlresponse * __unused response, id responseobject, nserror *error) {         if (error) {             if (failure) {                 failure(task, error);             }         } else {             if (success) {                 success(task, responseobject);             }         }     }];      [task resume];      return task; } 


func put(urlstring: string!, parameters: anyobject!, constructingbodywithblock block: ((afmultipartformdata!) -> void)!,     success: ((nsurlsessiondatatask!, anyobject!) -> void)!,     failure: ((nsurlsessiondatatask!, nserror!) -> void)!) -> nsurlsessiondatatask! {      let urlx = "http://localhost/\(urlstring)"  //still need convert baseurl      var serializationerror:nserrorpointer = nil      let request:nsmutableurlrequest = self.requestserializer.multipartformrequestwithmethod("put", urlstring: urlx, parameters: parameters as! [nsobject : anyobject]!, constructingbodywithblock: block, error: serializationerror)      let task:nsurlsessiondatatask = self.uploadtaskwithstreamedrequest(request, progress: nil, completionhandler: { (response: nsurlresponse!, responseobject: anyobject!, error: nserror!) -> void in         if ((error) != nil) {             if ((failure) != nil) {                 failure(task, error)  <-- error             }         } else {             if ((success) != nil) {                 success(task, responsobject)  <-- error             }         }     }) 

updated response

the error you're getting variable used within own initial value, means you're using constant task before it's declared, you're using within declaration.

the proper way go around rewrite uploadtaskwithstreamedrequest() return tuple of type (anyobject, nserror). unfortunately, involves more work. solution problem declare few variable outside uploadtaskwithstreamedrequest(), , set them equal values captured inside closure. afterwards, can call completion blocks based on 2 optional binding tests, 1 of pass.

func put(urlstring: string!, parameters: anyobject!, constructingbodywithblock block: ((afmultipartformdata!) -> void)!,     success: ((nsurlsessiondatatask!, anyobject!) -> void)!,     failure: ((nsurlsessiondatatask!, nserror!) -> void)!) -> nsurlsessiondatatask! {          let urlx = "http://localhost/\(urlstring)"  //still need convert baseurl          var serializationerror:nserrorpointer = nil          let request:nsmutableurlrequest = self.requestserializer.multipartformrequestwithmethod("put", urlstring: urlx, parameters: parameters as! [nsobject : anyobject]!, constructingbodywithblock: block, error: serializationerror)          var outererror: nserror?         var outerresponseobject: anyobject?         let task = self.uploadtaskwithstreamedrequest(request, progress: nil, completionhandler: { (response: nsurlresponse!, responseobject: anyobject!, error: nserror!) -> void in             if ((error) != nil) {                 if ((failure) != nil) {                     outererror = error                 }             } else {                 if ((success) != nil) {                     outerresponseobject = responseobject                 }             }         })          if let outererror = outererror {             failure(task, outererror)         }          if let outerresponseobject: anyobject = outerresponseobject {             success(task, outerresponseobject)         }          return task } 

original response

why bother doing this, when afnetworking comes ability make put request?

- (nsurlsessiondatatask *)put:(nsstring *)urlstring                    parameters:(id)parameters                       success:(void (^)(nsurlsessiondatatask *task, id responseobject))success                       failure:(void (^)(nsurlsessiondatatask *task, nserror *error))failure {     nsurlsessiondatatask *datatask = [self datataskwithhttpmethod:@"put" urlstring:urlstring parameters:parameters success:success failure:failure];      [datatask resume];      return datatask; } 

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