c# - Parse HTML Code to get a JSON property out -

this question has answer here:

hi have following code c#.net

asciiencoding encoding = new asciiencoding(); string postdata = "membershipcardnumber=" + cardnumber; postdata += ("&terminalname=" + terminalname); postdata += ("&serviceid=" + casinoid); byte[] data = encoding.getbytes(postdata);  httpwebrequest myrequest =   (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create("http://myurl"); myrequest.method = "post"; myrequest.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; myrequest.contentlength = data.length; stream newstream = myrequest.getrequeststream();  newstream.write(data, 0, data.length); httpwebresponse response = (httpwebresponse)myrequest.getresponse(); // stream associated response. stream receivestream = response.getresponsestream(); // pipes stream higher level stream reader required encoding format.  streamreader readstream = new streamreader(receivestream, encoding.utf8); console.writeline("response stream received."); var egm_response = readstream.readtoend(); console.writeline(egm_response); 

the variable egm_response outputs entire html code. part of it:

<div class="result" style="margin-left: 20px;">         <p>json result :</p>     {"createegmsession":{"isstarted":0,"datecreated":"","transactionmessage":"terminal has active session.","errorcode":37}}    </div> <div class="clear"></div> 

how can or parse html , value after errorcode?

first, service should return json, not combination of html , json. if json, parse json response .net object using json.net, can ask errorcode property.

second, use regex match errorcode:


i advise go option 1 if possible, since make life lot easier.

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