javascript - ng-pattern not working with regular expression -

my form has below inline validation

<form name="coform" novalidate>  <div>    <label>transaction: </label>    <input  type="text" name="transaction" class="form-control"            placeholder="<direction> <message type>, ex.:out x12214"             ng-model="newco.transaction"             ng-pattern=/(^(in )([a-za-z0-9 &_]+))|(^(out )([a-za-z0-9 &_]+))/      required>        <span style="color:red"           ng-show="coform.transaction.$dirty ||                    coform.transaction.$invalid">       <span ng-show="coform.transaction.$error.pattern">           enter correct value transaction       </span>       <span ng-show="coform.transaction.$error.required">             transaction required.       </span> </div> </form> 

but validation works required , not pattern

here fiddle

below few examples positive match:

out x12214 in x12850 in arrant out correc&transleg out test_test in test2&test2 

you missing double quotes on of ng-pattern attribute & have not initialize angular on page, need add ng-app run angular on page


<form name="coform" novalidate ng-app="">     <div>         <label>transaction:</label>         <input type="text" name="transaction" class="form-control" placeholder="<direction> <message type>, ex.:out x12214" ng-model="newco.transaction"          ng-pattern="/(^(in )([a-za-z0-9 &_]+))|(^(out )([a-za-z0-9 &_]+))/" required>            <span style="color:red" ng-show="coform.transaction.$dirty || coform.transaction.$invalid">            <span ng-show="coform.transaction.$error.pattern">enter correct value transaction</span>             <span ng-show="coform.transaction.$error.required">transaction required.</span>         </span>     </div> </form> 


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