javascript - Polyline issue at high zoom level in Virtual Earth V6.3 (Bing) map control -

i have app virtual earth v6.3 control, using pure javascript add polyline, shown in following sample code snippet embedded in single html5 web page:

<!doctype html> <html xmlns=""> <head>     <title>ve map polyline</title>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript">         function mapload() {             // load map             var _map = new vemap('map');             _map.loadmap();              // center point in ny city             var _center = new velatlong(40.75, -73.99);              // zoom level             _map.setcenterandzoom(_center, 14);              // set map style             _map.setmapstyle(vemapstyle.shaded);              // polyline layer             var _layerpolyline = new veshapelayer();              // sample polyline array of coordinates             var _arrpoints = [];             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.78, -73.984));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.76, -73.989));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.75, -73.99));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.74, -73.991));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.73, -73.992));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.72, -73.993));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.72, -73.994));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.73, -73.995));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.73, -73.996));             _arrpoints.push(new velatlong(40.74, -73.997));              // polyline object properties             var _polyline= new veshape(veshapetype.polyline, _arrpoints);             _polyline.hideicon();             _polyline.setlinecolor(new vecolor(0, 0, 255, 1));             _polyline.setfillcolor(new vecolor(0, 0, 255, 0));             _polyline.setlinewidth(4);              // add polyline layer             _layerpolyline.addshape(_polyline);              // add layer map             _map.addshapelayer(_layerpolyline);         }     </script> </head> <body onload="mapload();">     <div id="map" style="position:absolute; height:98%; width:98%;"></div> </body> </html> 

it works fine @ zoom level. however, same code produces strange results in actual app while using 4.5 web forms, namely: polyline disappears @ high zoom level (approx above 15).

q: idea regarding root cause of problem , how fix it? thx.

update: issue resolved upgrading bing maps ajax control, version 7.0 (working: demo: bus route polyline visible @ zoom level). kudos ricky brundritt (@rbrundritt).

the issue has either missing utf-9 metatag or doctype. v6.3 old , requires following metatag , doctype specified:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "">  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> 

another possible issue have specified credentials when loading map. in violation of term of use of bing maps.

_map = new vemap('mapnyc'); _map.setcredentials("your_bing_maps_key"); _map.loadmap(); 

you can find documentation on how create bing maps account , key here:

i recommend creating "basic" key "public websites". allow 125,000 free transactions year.

all said, shouldn't using v6.3. replaced v7 on 5 years ago , nearing end of life soon. documentation v6.3 taken offline on year ago part of ending life version.

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