java - Akka RoundRobinPool File counter -

i sum files in directory + size . use akka multithreaded ( router size 5 ) . unfortunately, i'm not.

myuntypedactor: calculation of individual directories

public class myuntypedactor extends untypedactor {  private long length = 0;  private int amountfiles = 0;   public static props getprops() {     return props.create(myuntypedactor.class); }   @override public void onreceive(object msg) throws exception {      if(msg instanceof dirstats) {         this.amountfiles += ((dirstats) msg).filecount;         this.length += ((dirstats) msg).totalsize;       } else {         unhandled(msg);     }       list<future<object>> results = new arraylist<future<object>>();      // prüfe ob die erhaltene nachricht vom korrekten typ     if (msg instanceof file) {         file dirpath = (file)msg;          (file file : dirpath.listfiles()) {             if (file.isfile()) {                 length += file.length();                 amountfiles++;             }             else {                 actorref mysubuntypedactor = getcontext().actorfor("/user/myactor");                 results.add(patterns.ask(mysubuntypedactor, file, 10000));              }           }          future<iterable<object>> alldone = futures.sequence(results, getcontext().dispatcher());         alldone.onsuccess(new onsuccess<iterable<object>>() {             @override             public void onsuccess(iterable<object> objects) throws throwable {                 system.out.println(objects);                 getsender().tell(new dirstats(amountfiles, length), getself());             }         }, getcontext().dispatcher());           getsender().tell(new dirstats(amountfiles, length), getself());       } else {         unhandled(msg);     }   }   } 

main class generate round-robin pools , receive results

    public class actordirsize {     public dirstats dirstats(actorsystem system, file dir) throws ioexception {      actorref myuntypedactor = system.actorof(new roundrobinpool(5).props(myuntypedactor.getprops()), "myactor");      future<object> reply = patterns.ask(myuntypedactor, dir, 10000);      try {         object result = await.result(reply, duration.create(2, timeunit.seconds));          dirstats dirstats = (dirstats) result;          return dirstats;      } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }      return null; }  public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {     // bricht ab, wenn dem programm keine argumente mitgegeben werden     if (args.length<1) {         system.out.println("benötigter parameter: startverzeichnis");         system.exit(1);     }     // prüft, ob parameter ein korrekter pfad ist.     file startdir = new file(args[0]);     if (!startdir.isdirectory()) {         system.out.println("dies ist kein verzeichnis!");         system.exit(1);     }      actordirsize test = new actordirsize();     // erstellt einen neuen aktor     actorsystem system = actorsystem.create("actors");     try {         // ausgabe der ergebnisse         dirstats result = test.dirstats(system, startdir);         system.out.println(result.filecount + " dateien, " + result.totalsize + " bytes.");     } {         // fährt den aktor herunter         system.shutdown();     } } } 

dirstats (akka messages):

public class dirstats { final int filecount; final long totalsize;  public dirstats() {     filecount = 0;     totalsize = 0; }  public dirstats(int filecount, long totalsize) {     this.filecount = filecount;     this.totalsize = totalsize; }  @override public string tostring() {     return "dirstats(filecount=" + filecount + ", totalsize=" + totalsize + ")"; } } 

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