sorting - How to sort a cursor with variables in android? -

i have listview (in listframent) cursoradapter shows different names of places. @ begining, list sorted names (using order_by in query).

now, have added item_row.xml textview containing distance of place user's position latitude/longitude of each place , locationmanager. , sort list of places distance (from nearest farthest).

the problem calculate distance outside "sql environment", , there no methods sort cursor/listview/adapter...

any ideas ?

use collections.sort(list, comparator) custom comparator.

example using class sorting sum of both integer fields:

import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.collections; import java.util.comparator; import java.util.list;  class {     final string name;     final int somenumber;     final int someothernumber;      a(final string name, final int a, final int b) { = name;         this.somenumber = a;         this.someothernumber = b;     }      @override     public string tostring() {         return;     } }  class yourcomparator implements comparator<a> {     @override     public int compare(a o1, o2) {         final int sumo1 = o1.somenumber + o1.someothernumber;         final int sumo2 = o2.somenumber + o2.someothernumber;         return (sumo1 - sumo2);     } }  public class main {     public static void main(final string args[]) {         final list<a> listofas = new arraylist<a>();         listofas.add(new a("three", 1, 2));         listofas.add(new a("two", 1, 1));         listofas.add(new a("ten", 3, 7));         listofas.add(new a("five", 3, 2));         collections.sort(listofas, new yourcomparator());         system.out.println(listofas);     } } 

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