c# - Can not seed data with EF Code First -
i found problem, solution @ comments.
i can create tables , diagram can not seed data table.
1.i installed ef nuget.
2.from pm console wrote enable-migrations –enableautomaticmigrations.
model in all.model class library , and context methods in all.dal class library did not understand doing wrong can me?
this context code:
using all.model; namespace all.dal { public class alldb : dbcontext { public alldb() { database.connection.connectionstring = "server=seuphoria;database=alldb;uid=sa;pwd=123;"; } public dbset<category> categories { get; set; } public dbset<comment> comments { get; set; } public dbset<line> lines { get; set; } public dbset<user> users { get; set; } protected override void onmodelcreating(dbmodelbuilder modelbuilder) { database.setinitializer<alldb>(new dbstrategy()); modelbuilder.entity<category>().property(c => c.name).isrequired(); modelbuilder.entity<comment>().property(c => c.letter).isrequired(); } }
and strategy code:
using all.model; namespace all.dal { public class dbstrategy : dropcreatedatabaseifmodelchanges<alldb> { protected override void seed(alldb context) { list<category> categorydefault = new list<category> { new category { name="organic", upid = 0 }, new category { name="object", upid=0}, new category { name="time",upid=0}, }; foreach (category item in categorydefault) { context.categories.add(item); } context.users.add(new user { name = "sss" }); } }
this category class:
public class category : standart { public int upid { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public int lineid { get; set; } public virtual list<line> lines { get; set; } }
you adding items db context not committing changes calling savechanges() on them. add 1 line:
protected override void seed(alldb context) { list<category> categorydefault = new list<category> { new category { name="organic", upid = 0 }, new category { name="object", upid=0}, new category { name="time",upid=0}, }; foreach (category item in categorydefault) { context.categories.add(item); } context.users.add(new user { name = "sss" }); context.savechanges(); // make sure save! }