sitecore - Added a Field to WeBlog Entry template, trying to get the field in Category.ascx.cs -
i have followed steps in following link template settings , created custom templates entry, comment , category. custom entry template, have added additional field. have requirement display in categories.ascx. able override categories.ascx unable value of added field using weblog's api. here's code using. issue class entryitem doesn't have additional field have added. there way read field using weblog api?
entryitem[] blogentries = managerfactory.entrymanagerinstance.getblogentries();
inherits customitem
believe, can use inneritem
property access actual item. field should available this:
you can use field renderer in categories.ascx
file display value of field , use data binding item assigned field renderer.
<sc:fieldrenderer id="fieldrenderer1" runat="server" fieldname="yourfield" item='<%# entryitem.inneritem %>'/>