Spring data JPA Spel - @Query Issue -

i having trouble getting spel , spring data jpa work

following repository

package eg.repository; public interface myentityrepository extends jparepository<myentity, long>,jpaspecificationexecutor<myentity> {      @query("select e eg.domain.myentity e " +             "where e.title = :#{#filter.title}"     )     page<myentity> list1(@param("filter") myfilter filter,pageable pageable); } 

filter component

package eg.service;  import org.springframework.stereotype.component;  @component("filter") public class myfilter {      public string titlefilter() {         return "%title%";     }     private string title = "title title1";     public long[] idfilter() {         return new long[] {                 1l, 2l         };     } } 

following myentity

package eg.domain; @entity public class myentity implements serializable {     @id     @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity)     private long id;      @column(name = "title")     private string title;     ...... } 

main class

log.info("application initialized " + annotationconfigapplicationcontext);         myentityrepository myentityrepository =                     (myentityrepository) annotationconfigapplicationcontext.getbean(myentityrepository.class);         myfilter filter = annotationconfigapplicationcontext.getbean(myfilter.class);         pagerequest pagerequest = new pagerequest(0, 5);         page<myentity> page = myentityrepository.list1(filter,pagerequest);         list<myentity> entities= page.getcontent();         for(myentity entity: entities){             system.out.println(entity.getid() + " title " +  entity.gettitle());         } 

following error getting

exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.beancreationexception: error creating bean name 'myentityrepository': factorybean threw exception on object creation; nested exception java.lang.illegalstateexception: using named parameters method public abstract org.springframework.data.domain.page eg.repository.myentityrepository.list1(eg.service.myfilter,org.springframework.data.domain.pageable) parameter 'filter' not found in annotated query 'select e eg.domain.myentity e e.title = :#{#filter.title}'! 

private string title = "title title1"; 

title of filter private , not see getter property. may problem.

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