Drawing an SVG Selection Box with Batik -

i notice on many svg builder tools each element can resized , rotated. shown below

enter image description hereenter image description here

what common way implement whenever element whenever clicked, bordering line appear long side small rectangles used resizing rotating ?

are these objects "hidden" default , visible during mouse click ? or have drawn on every mousedown , removed on every mouseup ?

are these objects "hidden" default , visible during mouse click ?

no have draw elements yourself.

all tools see floating around have code somewhere create rectangle see on top of selected item - rectangle called visible bounding box of element - in modern browser fetched using svg getbbox() method. more info on method here.

the returned bbox gives information need(x,y,width,height) draw selection rectangle minus colors , strokes

how svg tools work in regards this:

typically have canvas on work (might div, might svg rectangle whatever) - nothing html5 canvas here - note

  • you draw selection rectangle on clicking element
  • you remove selection rectangle on clicking on canvas(since mean didn't click on element)

here snippet i've made allows multi-selection holding 'shift'.

var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";      //if click on elem class "element" getbbox of elem , draw selection rect.  $(".element").click(function() {    var bbox = $(this)[0].getbbox();      //if shift key down allow multiselection    if (shiftkeydown) {      drawselectionrect(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height);    } else {      $(".selectionrect").remove();      drawselectionrect(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height);    }  });      //if click on svgcanvas remove selection rectangles  $("#svgcanvas").click(function() {    $(".selectionrect").remove();  });      //function draws selection box  function drawselectionrect(x, y, width, height) {      var rect = document.createelementns(svgns, 'rect');    rect.setattributens(null, 'x', x);    rect.setattributens(null, 'y', y);    rect.setattributens(null, 'height', height);    rect.setattributens(null, 'width', width);      rect.setattributens(null, 'stroke-width', '2px');    rect.setattributens(null, 'stroke', 'red');    rect.setattributens(null, 'fill', 'none');    rect.setattributens(null, 'stroke-dasharray', '5,1');    rect.setattributens(null, 'class', 'selectionrect');      document.getelementbyid('workarea').appendchild(rect);  }      //determine if shift-key being pressed  var shiftkeydown = false;  $(document).keydown(function(e) {    if (e.keycode == 16) {      shiftkeydown = true;    }  });    $(document).keyup(function(e) {    shiftkeydown = false;  });
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=lato);   * {    font-family: 'lato', sans-serif;    color: #555;  }  h5 {    margin: 2px;  }  #container {    position: absolute;    margin: 5% auto;    width: 90%;    height: 320px;    background-color: #eee;  }  .element {    cursor: pointer;  }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>  <h2>click on element draw it's bbox</h2>  <h5>hold down "shift" allow multi-selection<h5>  <h5>press anywhere else on canvas remove selections<h5>    <div id="container">      <svg  id="workarea" width="100%" height="100%">          <rect id="svgcanvas" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0" style="fill:transparent"/>          <rect class="element" width="100" height="100" x="50" y="100"     style="fill:#009688;" />                    <rect class="element" width="75" height="100" x="250" y="150"     style="fill:#009688;" />      </svg>  </div>

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