jsonschema - choosing between different objects in JSON-schema -

i'm creating schema receipts , want have master schema core concepts variety of different detail objects specialized receipt types (e.g. itemized hotel receipts, etc.) current implementation leveraging oneof mechanism in json-schema

{     "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",     "title": "receipt",     "type": "object",     "properties": {         ...         "amount": { "type": "number" },         "detail": {             "type": "object",             "oneof": [                 { "$ref": "general-detail.schema.json" },                 { "$ref": "hotel-detail.schema.json" },                 ...             ]         }     } } 

the problem approach when validate (using tv4), appears of schemas specified in oneof being checked, , in fact, returning errors. can minimize effect getting rid of detail property, moving oneof schema-level (e.g. outside of properties) , creating root property names in each of sub-schemas. however, in case, "missing required property: generaldetail" in event there's error when i'm validating hotel receipt type.

so 2 questions:

  • is possible use generic detail property i'm doing , not have validator validate each sub-schema in oneof structure (e.g. using oneof wrongly)?
  • if not possible, more fine having set of 'typed' detail properties (like 'generaldetail', 'hoteldetail', etc.) - there way specify group , 1 of them should exist in document being validated?


all of schemas in oneof need validated in order validator ensure 1 of schemas pass. if none pass or more 1 pass, validator needs tell validation results of each schema in order determine how fix error.

so, because validator telling why each of schemas failing doesn't mean expects of schemas pass.

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