Artificial neural network configuration -
i believe know answer question already, wanted input community. below question.
the following diagram represents artificial neural network associative memory discussed in chapter.
stable configuration associate initial pattern in 2 neurons opposite each other on perimeter excited?
answer 1 : if network given initial configuration in 2 opposing units excited, blink – alternating between vertical , horizontal “lines.”
answer 2: if network given initial configuration in 2 opposing units excited, center until excited , perimeter units remain inhibited.
answer 3: pattern in @ least 2 perimeter units excited , center unit inhibited associated pattern in perimeter units, center unit, excited.
answer4: pattern in @ least 2 perimeter units excited , center unit inhibited associated pattern in perimeter units excited , center unit inhibited.
the answer choose answer 4. reason why choose answer 4 because if @ diagram weight of outer diagram positive. may sound trivial, because sum of neurons of perimeter positive output( i.e 1) cause opposite perimeter excited.