- ASP:Repeater not visible after databinding? -

i attempting create simple mobile view of website , list of product categories display on homepage... when try generate list of categories datatable kinda doesn't. nothing visible, if repeater took day off , went home.

here's code:

        dim dt datatable = categories.getmaincategories(request("mainid"))     rptcatbuttons.datasource = dt     dim catname string = categories.getmaincategoryname(request("mainid"))     'dim catbutton button = ctype(rptcatbuttons.findcontrol("btncategories"), button)      catbutton.text = catname     rptcatbuttons.databind() 

and asp:

    <asp:content id="content1" contentplaceholderid="contentplaceholder1" runat="server">     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/count.js"></script>     <asp:repeater id="rptcatbuttons" runat="server">     <itemtemplate> <div class="category-mobile" runat="server"><asp:button id="btncategories" runat="server" text="hello" class="category-mobile-button"></asp:button></div> </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> </asp:content> 

it's pretty basic code right now, because took code different page (where generate menu) , tried here, no go i've messed around bit.

i've tried binding table in pre_init , page_init sections neither made difference (except couple of neat null object references).

assistance please?

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