android - Can't get selected text from webview -

i trying selected text webview below code returning null.please let me problem in below code.

in code index.html html file inside sdcard/dheeraj/index.html folder.

        import;         import android.content.res.assetmanager;         import android.os.bundle;         import android.os.environment;         import android.content.clipboardmanager;         import android.util.log;         import android.view.actionmode;          import android.view.keyevent;         import;         import android.view.menuitem;         import android.webkit.websettings;         import android.webkit.webview;         import android.widget.toast;       public class addtonoteswithwebviewactivity extends activity     {          assetmanager assetmanager;         webview webview;         string line, line1 = "", finalstr = "";         int = 0;         private actionmode mactionmode = null;         private clipboardmanager clipboard;         boolean mark_text=false;          @override         public void onactionmodestarted(actionmode mode) {             if (mactionmode == null) {                 mactionmode = mode;                 menu menu = mode.getmenu();                 // remove default menu items (select all, copy, paste, search)                 menu.clear();                  mode.getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu);             }              super.onactionmodestarted(mode);         }           public void oncontextualmenuitemclicked(menuitem item)         {             switch (item.getitemid())             {                 case                      clipboard =                             (clipboardmanager) getsystemservice(clipboard_service);                     emulateshiftheld(webview);                     selectedtext();                         break;                  default:                      break;             }              // true, check anyway, in case             if (mactionmode != null) {                 mactionmode.finish();             }         }          private void selectedtext()         {             toast.maketext(this, clipboard.gettext(),                     toast.length_short).show();         }           @override         public void onactionmodefinished(actionmode mode) {             mactionmode = null;             super.onactionmodefinished(mode);         }           @override         protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate)         {             super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);             setcontentview(r.layout.ac_add_to_notes_web_view);             webview=(webview)findviewbyid(;                websettings websettings = webview.getsettings();             websettings.setjavascriptenabled(true);              webview.loadurl("file://" + environment.getexternalstoragedirectory() + "/dheeraj/index.html");          }          private void emulateshiftheld(webview view)         {           try             {                 keyevent shiftpressevent = new keyevent(0, 0, keyevent.action_down,                         keyevent.keycode_shift_left, 0, 0);                 shiftpressevent.dispatch(view);                  registerforcontextmenu(view);              }             catch (exception e)             {                 log.e("dd", "exception in emulateshiftheld()", e);             }         }      } 

please help....?????????

you can refer following code :

 package com.demo.selecttext;      import;     import android.os.bundle;     import android.view.keyevent;     import;     import android.view.menuitem;     import android.webkit.webview;      public class mainactivity extends activity {      webview mwebview;          /** called when activity first created. */         @override         public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {             super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);             setcontentview(r.layout.main);             mwebview = (webview)findviewbyid(;             mwebview.loadurl("");          }          private static final int selecttext_menu_id = menu.first;          @override         public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu){          super.oncreateoptionsmenu(menu);           menu.add(0, selecttext_menu_id, 0, "select text");           return true;         }          public boolean onprepareoptionsmenu(menu menu){          super.onprepareoptionsmenu(menu);          return true;         }          public boolean onoptionsitemselected(menuitem item){          switch(item.getitemid()){          case selecttext_menu_id:               selecttext();               return true;          }          return true;         }          public void selecttext(){         try{           keyevent shiftpressevent =                     new keyevent(0, 0, keyevent.action_down,                         keyevent.keycode_shift_left, 0, 0);           shiftpressevent.dispatch(mwebview);       }catch(exception e){           throw new assertionerror(e);       }      }     } 

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