facebook - Trying to get an access token using restFB. but not directing -
hello i'm playing spring boot , learning web services. started playing facebook graph api , using restfb. access token , hard code every time. dont want hard code credentials(access tokens), want able token when sign in account without hard coding access tokens every time try retrieve photos face , use in application. has worked restfb show me example of how automatically access tokens without hard coding it. thanks. uri "localhost:8080/myapp."
@controller @requestmapping("/") public class homecontroller { @value("#{facebookappid['app_key']}") private static string app_key; @value("#{facebookappsecret['secret']}") private static string app_secret; private facebookclient.accesstoken getfacebookusertoken(string code, string url) throws ioexception { webrequestor web = new defaultwebrequestor(); webrequestor.response accesstokens = web.executeget("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id="+ app_key+url+"&client_secret="+app_secret+"&code=" + code); return defaultfacebookclient.accesstoken.fromquerystring(accesstokens.getbody()); } @requestmapping(method= requestmethod.get) public string hellofacebook(model model) { string url = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?"+app_key; return "redirect"+url; } }
you can use obtainuseraccesstoken defaultfacebookclient facebookclient facebookclient = new defaultfacebookclient(version.version_2_2); facebookclient.obtainuseraccesstoken(appid, appsecret, redirecturi, verificationcode);