html - One button for more functions = recording in JavaScript -

i have source code record audio in browser. record.js calls scripts provides recording audio , save server.


<button type="submit" onclick="togglerecording()" data-run="0"></button>   


//starts click on button       function togglerecording(button) {      var run = parseint(button.getattribute('data-run'));       if(run === 1) {        recorder && recorder.stop();        recorder && recorder.exportwav(function(blob) {          uploadaudiofromblob(blob);        });        __log('recording stopped');        button.setattribute('data-run', 0);              }               else {            recorder && recorder.clear();            recorder && recorder.record();            __log('speak...');            button.setattribute('data-run', 1);          }        }          function __log(e, data) {           showinfo("\n" + e + " " + (data || ''));          }          var audio_context;        var recorder;        function startusermedia(stream) {           var input = audio_context.createmediastreamsource(stream);           recorder = new recorder(input);           __log('system recording available.');         }          function startrecording(button) {             recorder && recorder.clear();           recorder && recorder.record();           button.nextelementsibling.disabled = false;          __log('talk...');         }           window.onload=function init() {          try {             window.audiocontext = window.audiocontext || window.webkitaudiocontext;             navigator.getusermedia = navigator.getusermedia || navigator.webkitgetusermedia;               window.url = window.url || window.webkiturl;                  audio_context = new audiocontext;                } catch (e) {             alert('this browser not support audio!');          }              navigator.getusermedia({audio: true}, startusermedia, function(e) {            __log('no audio detected: ' + e);          });        };

now recording system works in steps:

1.function init() runs immediatelly when page loaded , after user allows microphone in message startusermedia function runs

  1. after clicking on button runs togglerecording(button) function starts recording audio

3.second click on button runs togglerecording function stop recording audio.

i want work system in steps if possible: 1. first click on button run functions init , startusermedia , togglerecording recording starts after clicking 2. second click call togglerecording function stop recording

i tried modify record.js code, added part top of source code, click on button called function start_kemt in stead of togglerecording(). start_kemt created because want run functions in correct order.

added part record.js

var recording = false;  var recordbutton = document.getelementbyid('recordbutton');    //function called click on button  function start_kemt() {     if(!recording)     {        init();        togglerecording(recordbutton);    }    togglerecording(recordbutton);    recording = !recording;  }

also function init() modified, change from: window.onload = function init() function init(). called clicking on button, not automatically browser. works in way: after click on button show message allow microphone, after allowing message shows that: "'system recording available.' (function startusermedia called).after recording doesnt start. after second click web browser message showed again allow mic. , error shown in console:

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'getattribute' of null

please give me example how right. new in js. topic same as: one button run more functions javascript (recording audio in browser)

well calling method on nothing.

getattribute('data-run'); should this.getattribute('data-run'); or button.getattribute('data-run'); depending on context.

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