javascript - How to manipulate history with history.go? -

function del_cookie(name) {    document.cookie = name + '=; expires=thu, 01-jan-70 00:00:01 gmt;';  }

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(yesican) leading global provider of online information have issues around child abuse. our mission work worldwide break silence , cycle of abuse. <strong><em>we</em> believe</strong> child abuse cease exist if had capability receive accurate, up-to-date information abuse , had capacity receive assistance , support change.</p>         <h2>how make difference</h2>         <p>our website provides information, statistics, , definitions of abuse. have <a href="community-rules.html"><em>yes</em>ican community</a> individuals have questions regarding child abuse , domestic violence can join others discuss various concerns , ideas around these topics.</p>         <p>the premier service of our organization our <a href="chat-schedule.html">facilitated chat</a> groups.  <strong>in these groups offer opportunity abused children , adults speak others , council , support trained facilitators.</strong>  these facilitators have gone through 60-hour training lead licensed therapist.  date, have had on 44,000 participants in our chat rooms.  run specialized chat groups teens, adult-survivors, victims of domestic violence, individuals in close relationship abuse survivors , parents.</p>         <h2>our current focus</h2>         <p>our focus now, development of on-line parenting program.  in 6-8 week program, individuals receive training in non-violent parenting.  training include dynamics of both physical , emotional development, , appropriate discipline.  in addition, each member of program have access support groups topic of each weeks' training session discussed.  during time specific issues , concerns come each participant shared in safe , supportive environment.</p>          <p>it our hope in future, provide international support forum, targeting military personnel , dependents based outside of united states.</p>       </section>       <section class="col-md-4" style="border-left:1px solid #cfd1d4;"><!--right column content goes here-->         <div class="well">          <h2>april kickstarter</h2>          <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/unbrokenkickstarterbutton.png"/></a>          <p>please support , <a href="fundraiser.html">learn more about</a> our kickstarter running through april!</p>        </div>        <h2>in memorial</h2>        <a href="memorial.html"><img alt="memorial list" src="img/memorial_list.jpg"/></a>        <p>we keep <a href="memorial.html">this list in honor of children</a> have died injuries infliected upon them result of child abuse.</p>          <h2>missing children<br><small>alert cases</small></h2>        <section style="border: #cfd1d4 solid 1px; border-radius:2%; padding:10px;">         <!-- start feedwind code --><script type="text/javascript">document.write('\x3cscript type="text/javascript" src="' + ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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i doing website abuse survivors , have created escape button jump user link , replace location of site site google. trying figure out how manipulate history button. currently, have code not working @ when button or arrow clicked on. also, best approach replace/erase cookies when user visits website.

function getaway() {    // away right"", "_newtab");    // replace current site benign site    window.location.replace('');    // should clear button history.    var backlen = history.length;    history.go(-2);  }    $(function() {      $("#get-away").on("click", function(e) {      getaway();    });      $("#get-away a").on("click", function(e) {      // allow (?) link work      e.stoppropagation();    });    });

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