database - django on jython(cannot import name BaseDatabaseWrapper) -

i have problem buliding django on jython

i have installed django-jython , jython , django

in dababase engine write : doj.db.backends.sqlite



'doj.db.backends.sqlite' isn't available database backend. try using '', xxx 1 of: u'base', u'mysql', u'oracle', u'postgresql_psycopg2', u'sqlite3'

error was: cannot import name basedatabasewrapper

it seems in doj.db there no these classes can find in django.db

and i find in site-packages\django_jython-1.7.0b2-py2.7.egg\doj\db\backends\sqlite\

there :

from doj.db.backends import jdbcbasedatabasewrapper basedatabasewrapper

from doj.db.backends import jdbcbasedatabasefeatures basedatabasefeatures

from doj.db.backends import jdbcbasedatabaseoperations basedatabaseoperations

from doj.db.backends import jdbccursorwrapper cursorwrapper

from doj.db.backends import jdbcconnection

maybe problem lies here

thanks help

i got same problem. it's django compatibility issue indeed. django-jython 1.7 works django 1.7.x (see

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