R Shiny - resize numericInput box -

i have basic shiny app.


library(shiny)  shinyui(fluidpage(   titlepanel("average run length simulation"),    fluidrow(     tabsetpanel(       tabpanel("shewhart v. shewhart",         fluidrow(           column(4,"rule"),           column(2,"group 1"),           column(2,"group 2")           ),         fluidrow(           column(4,"1 point more k sigma away mean"),           column(2,                  checkboxinput("svsg1r1",label=" ",value=f),                  numericinput("svsg1k1",label=" ",value=3,min=1,step=1)                  ),           column(2,                  checkboxinput("svsg2r1",label=" ",value=f),                  numericinput("svsg2k1",label=" ",value=3,min=1,step=1)                  )           )         )       )     ) )) 

the server.r file basic 1 created rstudio in new project.

what want tabular layout of widget elements, but, don't think i'll without lot of work , isn't worth it. so, instead, want reduce width of numericinput() boxes akin the size attribute of <input> element in html form.

how in shiny? there standard way apply css/html specifics particular elements?

this works, though it's global css , i'd rather have element specific. added inside fluidpage() element in ui.r , resized both boxes.

tags$head( tags$style(html("   input[type=\"number\"] {     width: 100px;   }  ")) ) 

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