Python file to exe not working in all locations in my computer only works in dist folder in python installation -
i have created exe
file python
in case, followed tutorial tutorial
my setup.txt file follows:
from distutils.core import setup import py2exe setup(console=['']) setup(options = { "py2exe": {"includes": ["encodings"]}})
the following exe creation step:
i got output exe
file add.exe
in location c:\python34\dist
. double clicked , working. when move add.exe location suppose c:\python34
or other location in system not working. giving following error instead of executing:
i not have idea why misbehave way. need exe file work locations. how can solve this? appreciated!!
setup( console=[''], options = { "py2exe": { "includes": ["encodings"], "bundle_files": 1, "ascii": false } }, zipfile = none )