shellcode - What Does Assembly Instruction Shift Do? -
i came across pretty interesting article demonstrated how remove nullbyte characters shellcode. among techniques used, assembly instructions shl
, shr
seemed occupy rather important role in code.
i realize assembly instructions mov $0x3b, %rax
, mov $59, %rax
each generate machine code instructions 48 c7 c0 3b 00 00 00
. cope this, author instead uses mov $0x1111113b, %rax
fill register system call number, generates instead machine code 48 c7 c0 3b 11 11 11
, removes nullbytes.
unfortunately, code still doesn't execute because syscall treats 3b 11 11 11
illegal instruction, or causes code seg fault. author did shift %rax
, forth 56 bytes commands
shl $0x38, %rax shr $0x38, %rax
after shift, code executes perfectly. want know how shift instructions fixes 48 c7 c0 3b 11 11 11
issue, , somehow makes %rax
proper , syscall'able. know shl/shr
shifts bits left , right, meaning shifting left moves bits higher bits, , shifting right makes them lower again, because binary read right left. how @ change code , make executable? doesn't shifting , forth change nothing, putting shifted bits in beginning?
my theory shifting bits away leaves behind zeros. still don't see how shifting %rax
forward , fixes solution, because wouldn't bring 11 11 11
section anyway?
anyways, thought interesting had never seen shift operands before today. in advance.
shifting lossy operation - if bits shifted outside of register, disappear. (sometimes 1 of them stored in carry flag, that's not important here.) see .
the shift left (shl) operation this:
0x000000001111113b << 0x38 = 0x3b00000000000000
the 0x111111 part have occupied bit 64, 65, 66 etc., %rax 64-bit register, bits vanish. then, logical shift right (shr) operation this:
0x3b00000000000000 >> 0x38 = 0x000000000000003b
giving number want. , that's there it.