ios - Unsigned IPA in xcode 6 -

i'm wondering still possible xcode 6 users create unsigned ipas (for example, without provisioning profiles), installed in jailbroken devices?

there bunch of ways on xcode 5, changing configuration of project or trying archive (xcode 6 doesn't allow archive @ if don't have profile), none of them worked.

is kind of apple enforcement, or i'm missing something?

i have answer you! more assistance try

step 1:
goto /applications right click , click "show package contents"

step 2: goto contents / developer / platforms / iphoneos.platform / developer / sdks / iphoneos7.0.sdk/

and copy file sdksettings.plist desktop

step 3: open file copied sdksettings.plist. under defaultproperties, dict

find "code_ signing_ required" , change value yes no. save file

step 4: copy modified sdksettings.plist file contents / developer / platforms / iphoneos.platform / developer / sdks / iphoneos7.0.sdk/ replacing orginal file required authentication required

step 5: restart xcode , open runnable xcode project

step 6: in project navigator select project , open build settings section of porject , select sub-heading.

step 7: under code signing find code signing identity , both debug , release modes set ios sdk don't code sign.

to make ipa:

step 8: in xcode, goto product , click archive

step 9: step7 build project , create archive. after completion of process, new window organize - archive opened. in list of window can see project. right click project , click show in finder reveal .xcarchive file

step 10: right click .xcarchive file , click show package contents , goto products, applications see app file name of project

step11: open itunes change view apps , drag app file itunes.

step12: right click app, click show in finder. there have .ipa file.

important notes : 1. in step 8, if archive menu disabled because simulator option selected run target in xcode toolbar. changing menu either connected device, or generic ios device target option should enable archive option in product menu.

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