Save XML response from GET call using Python -

i'm trying create realtime report using api allows me grab data need , returns in xml format. want know is, after receiving response, how can save .xml file locally? or cache it, way can parse before parsing response.

import requests r = requests.get('url',  auth=('user', 'pass')) 

i'm using requests since it's easiest way make call in opinion. also, first question , i'm barely starting learn python, i'd appreciate if guys had little patience. thanks.

i looking @ similar question json, not sure if work same,

import requests import json solditems = requests.get('') # (your url) data = solditems.json() open('data.json', 'w') f:     json.dump(data, f) 

if want able parse returned xml before doing stuff it, xml tree friend.

import requests import xml.etree.elementtree et  r = requests.get('url',  auth=('user', 'pass')) tree = et.parse(r.text) root = tree.getroot() 

otherwise, jordanm has commented, save file , done it.

with open('data.xml', 'w') f:     f.write(r.text) 

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