CPU consumption on a JSON JAVA application -

on quad core cpu machine 4 gb ram, tomcat 6 installed, java 1.6. have software handles communication gateway. handles incoming json messages using jersey (1.19), deserialize , call client send message server using jersey (1.19) rest libraries. handles incoming request other server, serialize json , send outside. 10 users connected, sending 600 byte of message every 4 seconds. global cpu consumption reaches 30%. normal expected behaviour? how can handle more users?


private string executetogameengine(string text, string urlresource){ clientresponse response = null; try {              clientconfig clientconfig = new defaultclientconfig();   client client = client.create(clientconfig);   webresource webresource = client.resource(urlresource);    response =       webresource           .accept(mediatype.text_plain)           .type(mediatype.text_plain)           .post(clientresponse.class, text);    if (response == null) {     // error...   }   else if (response.getstatus() != 200) {                             // error...   }   return response.getentity(string.class); 


we installed visualvm analyze problem, suggestion?enter image description here

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