entity framework - Symfony2 Filter Collections in Form -
we have user entity has relations(onetomany) other entities. while building formtype user entity. have took associated entities collection.
$builder->add('sso_users_organization', "collection", array('type'=>new usersorganizationtype(),'allow_add' => true) );
we want show associated entities filtering based on status "active".
we have tried filtering in below way.
$organizations = $userentity->getssousersorganization(); foreach($organizations $key=>$org){ if($org->getstatus() == 0){ unset($organizations[$key]); } }
but when saving details back, other records having status "inactive" getting deleted.
please can me out.
try this. $er entity repository of type specified "class". in case usersorganizationtyperepository
$builder->add('sso_users_organization', "entity", array( "class" => "acme\appbundle\usersorganizationtype", "query_builder" => function(entityrepository $er){ return $er->createquerybuilder('uot') ->where('uot.active = true'); } );