java - Process command line arguments -
we have shell script invokes java program. script passes arguments values methods defined in main method of java program.
the expected input format parameters follows
"test1, test1_21apr15,xyz,test,test, , , 2015-04-21" "test2, test2_21apr15,xyz,test,test, , ,2015-04-21" "test3,test3_21apr15,xyz, test,test, , ,2015-04-21"
and on, i.e. each string has attributes comma separated , string separated space (here have mentioned in next line actual values separated space).
from above input values need assign values local attributes shown below:
attr1 = test1,test2,test3 attr2 = test1_21apr15,test2_21apr15,test3_21apr15 attr3 = xyz,xyz,xyz attr4 = test,test,test . . . attr8 = 2015-04-21,2015-04-21,2015-04-21,
and need process these parameters in methods.
i understand when pass arguments main method placed in arg[]
array, facing issues while assigning parameters values attributes.
can please give me guidance me on this? in advance.
if pass each set "," separated instead of space separated
"test1, test1_21apr15,xyz,test,test, , , 2015-04-21, test2, test2_21apr15,xyz,test,test, , ,2015-04-21"
then use following logic here "testnum" number of input lines referring , "testlen" number of strings in each line.
for(int i=0;i<testlen;i++){ for(int j=0;i<testnum;j++){ attr[i]=attr[i]+args[j*testlen+i] if(j<testnum-1) attr[i]=attr[i]+","; } }