logstash - Can anyone give a list of REST APIs to query elasticsearch? -

  1. i trying push logs elasticsearch through logstash.
  2. my logstash.conf have 2 log files input; elasticsearch output; , grok filter. here grok match:

    grok {   match => [ "message", "(?<timestamp>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3})  (?:\[%{greedydata:caller_thread}\]) (?:%{loglevel:level})  (?:%{data:caller_class})(?:\-%{greedydata:message})" ]    } 
  3. when elasticsearch started, logs added elasticsearch server seperate index name mentioned in logstash.conf.

  4. my doubt how logs stored in elasticsearch? know stored index name mentioned in logstash.

'' api given me following:

health status index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size

yellow open   tomcat-log      5   1       6478            0      1.9mb          1.9mb   yellow open   apache-log      5   1        212            0      137kb       137kb  
  1. but, how 'documents', 'fields' created in elasticsearch logs.

i read elasticsearch rest based search engine. so, if there rest apis use analyze data in elasticsearch.


curl localhost:9200/tomcat-log/_search 

will give first 10 documents total number of docs in index.

curl localhost:9200/tomcat-log/_search -d '{   "query": {     "match": {       "level" : "error"     }   } }' 

might gives docs in tomcat-log have level equal error.

have @ section of book. help.

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