android - Confirmation login dialog does not appear in facebook api, google+ api, vk api -

my question little broad, in case had same possible. after first launch facebook, google+ , asked me confirm requested permission (for example, facebook: "public_profile, email, user_friends"). every next time confirmation dialog did not appear. cleared cache, reinstalled app, still nothing. maybe lost something? or facebook remembered device , doesn't ask confirmation second time? still have information requested, without confirmation. google+ doesn't open activity, straight away shows me result. example facebook code.

my grahrequest same in docs of facebook api , execute in onsuccess() callback added loginmanager. permissions set loginmanager aswell as: loginmanager..getinstance().loginwithreadpermissions(...).

graphrequest request = graphrequest.newmerequest(     accesstoken,     new graphrequest.graphjsonobjectcallback() {         @override         public void oncompleted(                jsonobject object,                graphresponse response) {             // code         }     }); request.executeasync(); 

any explanation appreciated, thanks.

once user accepts permissions app, if app asks same permissions same user, no re-confirmation needed. time confirmation needed if ask more permissions, or if user has de-authorized app

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