Find the most frequent value in an array of double in Java (without hashmaps or sorting) -

write full java program following:

  • creates array of 100 double.

  • reads in unknown number of doubles file named values.txt .

  • there @ least 2 distinct values, , no more 100 distinct values in file. values in unsorted order. values no smaller 0, , no larger 99.

  • outputs occurring value in file.

  • outputs least occurring value in file. value must occur @ least once in order output.

  • outputs average of array values.

  • you must create , use separate methods each of items #2-5.

this have far. cannot life of me figure out how right:

import java.util.*; import*;  public class arrayprogram2 {      static scanner console = new scanner(;     static final int array_size = 100;     static int numofelements = 0;      public static void main(string[] args) throws filenotfoundexception {         scanner infile = new scanner(new filereader("values.txt"));         double[] arr1 = new double[array_size];          while (infile.hasnext()) {             arr1[numofelements] = infile.nextdouble();             numofelements++;         }          system.out.println("there " + numofelements + " values.");         system.out.printf("the average of values %.2f%n", avgarray(arr1));         system.out.println("the sum " + sumarray(arr1));          infile.close();      } //end main      //method calculate sum     public static double sumarray(double[] list) {         double sum = 0;          (int index = 0; index < numofelements; index++) {             sum = sum + list[index];         }          return sum;     }      //method calculate average     public static double avgarray(double[] list) {         double sum = 0;         double average = 0;          (int index = 0; index < numofelements; index++) {             sum = sum + list[index];         }          average = sum / numofelements;         return average;     } } //end program 

notice required make array of double though not necessary.

it's possible find most-occurring value without sorting this:

static int countoccurrences(double[] list, double targetvalue) {     int count = 0;     (int = 0; < list.length; i++) {         if (list[i] == targetvalue)             count++;     } }   static double getmostfrequentvalue(double[] list) {     int mostfrequentcount = 0;     double mostfrequentvalue = 0;     (int = 0; < list.length; i++) {         double value = list[i];         int count = countoccurrences(list, value);         if (count > mostfrequentcount) {             mostfrequentcount = count;             mostfrequentvalue = value;         }     }     return mostfrequentvalue; } 

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