java - spark hive and datanucleus -

in java spark (&spring) project, used sparkhivecontext , got initial error classnotfoundexception: org.datanucleus.api.jdo.jdopersistencemanagerfactory when doing:

// sparkhivecontext = new javahivecontext(sparkcontext); // javardd<myclass> myrdd = ... javaschemardd schema = sparkhivecontext.applyschema(myrdd, myclass.class); schema.registertemptable("temptable"); sparkhivecontext.sql("create table mytable select * temptable"); 

so added ̀datanucleus-core datanucleus-api-jdo , datanucleus-rdbms maven dependencies, version 3.2.1.

but error ...nosuchmethoderror: org.datanucleus.flushordered.

the strange thing find class in datanucleus-core-3.2.1.jar in generated war web-inf/lib. , in no other jar of war.

does have idea how happen?


  • maven project
  • spark 1.1.1 (with provided scope)
  • include $spark_home/lib/spark-assembly-1.1.1-hadoop2.4.0.jar servlet container
  • use maven jetty plugin run (i.e. servlet container)
  • it worked before using spark-hive
  • i don't have hive installed, told me wasn't necessary
  • i use spark hive manage sql interface hdfs files, because spark sql (1.1.1) not enough.

well, stupid: used version 3.2.1 datanucleus dependencies while datanucleus-core provided spark 3.2.2 :-\

anyway, on way made this simple prototype of spring webapp using spark-hive. if interested.

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