angularjs - How do I make a directive's functions globally available? -
imagine have singleton user-interface element want provide services entire application.
the following "works", in setmessage()
available anywhere in application, via $rootscope:
<script src=""></script> <body ng-app="myapp"> <script> angular.module('myapp', []) .directive('mydirective', function($rootscope) { return { scope : {}, template: '<div>status: {{contents}}</div>', controller: function($scope) { $rootscope.setmessage = function(contents) { $scope.contents = contents; }; } }; }); </script> <div my-directive=""></div> <button ng-click="setmessage('clicked')">click me</button> </body> </html>
it works, don't it. doesn't feel anglish me. have been toying idea of create service exports function set value , function it, doesn't smell better.
any suggestions?