Google Places API: Why i got different places list based on search radius? -

i faced next problem: when try list of hospitals (with googleplaces api) got different results, i.e. when radius of search small - 1500 meters - got 3 hospitals in results, when increase radius of search - 10000 meters - got bigger list of hospitals, in list previous 3 hospitals not present.. it's strange, because bigger radius of search should include hospitals (and results of smaller radius should included list). maybe there limit of results length?

var pyrmont = new google.maps.latlng(50.061829599999996, 36.1911966);    map = new'map-canvas'), {     center: pyrmont,     zoom: 13   });    var request = {     location: pyrmont,     radius: 1500,     types: ['hospital', 'doctor']   };    infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow();   var service = new google.maps.places.placesservice(map);   service.nearbysearch(request, callback); 


the places api return relevant search results, taking account specified radius. since ranking distance one, of many, factors influence places returned, should not expect searches larger radius' superset of searches smaller radius'.

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